Monday, December 19, 2011

Keck's Exclusives: John Cleese Visits NBC's Whitney

John Cleese Whitney Cummings is seeking mental treatment from John Cleese. The Monty Python alum, whose rare TV looks happen to be restricted to instances of Will & Sophistication and Third Rock In the Sun, will guest star inside a Feb episode of NBC's Whitney like a couples counselor. When Whitney and Alex (Chris D'Elia) begin feeling disconnected within their relationship, Roxanne (Rhea Seahorn) indicates they go to a counselor, Dr. Grant, for many advice. Cleese plays Dr. Grant, who assigns the pair some at-home exercises made to improve communication and closeness. Not remarkably, this leads to some decidedly awkward moments. Would we expect anything less from Mr. Cleese? For a glance at John on set, take a look at Chris's recent tweet: "Pretty awesome moment for me personally.Inch Sign up for TV Guide Magazine now!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

REVIEW: Brisk, Disciplined Carnage Is Good - Not Great - Polanski

In Roman Polanski’s Carnage, two couples square off in a 4-way — or is it a 48-way? — skirmish involving parenting issues, class resentment, the self-centered nature of our society, and both sexual politics and the other kind. This is a drawing-room comedy set in what just may be one of the outer circles of hell: The well-appointed (but just shabby enough) Brooklyn apartment of a persnickety couple who advertise their liberal ideals perhaps more obviously than they practice them. These two insufferable individuals are meeting with a matched set of same, the perhaps better-heeled (and equally smug) parents of a boy who struck their son with a stick, knocking out a tooth or two in the process. By the time each of these mini-nightmare characters has had a swing at each of the others — and by the time one of them has vomited on a valuable art book — the permutations of animosity and indignation have multiplied into an algebraic equation of headachey proportions. Is it entertainment? Is it satire? Is it art? It’s probably a little of all three, and yet ultimately not quite enough of any. Based on Yasmina Reza’s extremely popular play God of Carnage, the picture is a brisk, disciplined exercise: For the most part the performances are precise and cutting, and the writing has a sharpness that we don’t often see in contemporary movies (or in contemporary theater, for that matter). Maybe the only thing really wrong with Carnage is that it was directed by Roman Polanski, one of the greatest and most divisive of living directors. And while Carnage is adequate Polanski, it isn’t great Polanski. John C. Reilly and Jodie Foster play Michael and Penelope, the parents of the presumably wronged child. They’ve invited Alan and Nancy (Christoph Waltz and Kate Winslet) to their home to broker some sort of peace not just between the boys but between themselves. The passive-aggressive nature of the exercise is clear from the first scene: The two couples hover near a computer screen as Penelope attempts to lay out on exactly what happened that day and what injuries were suffered. The wording of the document becomes a mini lightning rod — was the aggressor “armed with” a stick, or was he just carrying one? — and from there, the two couples begin locking into multiple overlapping conflicts. Michael is a home-goods salesman (his business is based out of Queens), and Penelope is a sort-of writer who, she informs her guests with mock-casual modesty, is working on a book about Darfur. Waltz’s Alan is a cell-phone-brandishing attorney (some of you copy editors out there will immediately want to change that to “lawyer,” but that would be too lowly and generic a title for Alan to accept). And Winslet’s Nancy is an investment banker: You can see from her pearls and fleshtone stockings that she follows all the rules even when she doesn’t have to. Before long, the feelings of these half-repressed, half-self-satisfied individuals are flowing freely, maybe a little too freely. The scope of their conversation covers, but is not limited to, interspousal animosity over domestic responsibilities, male aggression and the women who roll their eyes at it, the careless raising of menace-to-society children, the cruel abandonment of a hamster and the revelation that if you know where to look, you can find tulips that have been flown in directly from Holland, only $20 a bunch. There are accusations and caustic scoldings; there’s much airing of dirty laundry. And beneath the nearly transparent membrane formed by these criss-crossing, funny-vicious little diatribes, you can practically see the throbbing veins of class consciousness. Reza’s dialogue is perceptive to the point of being wicked. The material doesn’t ask you to like these characters. Instead, its point of contact is the wince of recognition. Surely, neither you nor I possess any of the pettiness or self-righteousness on display here, but naturally, we know plenty of people who do. And the production design, by Dean Tavoularis, hits every note with a pitch-perfect ping. If you know anything about Manhattan-area real estate (or even if you don’t), your eyes are likely to light immediately on the pile of dried wood stacked next to the hearth — that “Working FP” sure doesn’t come cheap. (Alan and Nancy probably have more money, but no one here is exactly hurting.) The actors sink their teeth into the material, and the modest pleasures of Carnage consist mostly of watching them experience the joy of biting deep. But even that bucket of fun has its limits. Foster is scarily spot-on in the movie’s early scenes, but toward the end, she lets the tendons in her neck do all the acting for her — they don’t have all that much to say. Intentionally or otherwise, Waltz seems to be channeling Christopher Walken with his diction; it comes off as an affectation even if it’s not meant to be. Reilly channels the subterranean menace that often lies beneath the surface of affable boobs; “I am a short-tempered son-of-a-bitch!” he bellows in one scene, thrilled with the alleged bravery of his own catharsis. Winslet may be the best of all, or at least she’s the most subtle: Her Nancy is the character who’s cagiest about putting her cards on the table (though in the movie’s most memorable scene, she certainly puts something else on that table). Polanski knows what he’s doing here: With Carnage he offers us a bitter little truffle, an elegant treat to savor even if we don’t particularly like it. The craftsmanship is obvious — there’s no flashiness here, just lots of micro-control. But the picture is less artistic than it is artisinal. It’s easy enough to appreciate Carnage while you’re watching it. It just doesn’t leave you with much other than the relief of finally being able to escape these unbearable individuals, each of whom, to paraphrase Jean Renoir’s bitter-tender observation, has his or her reasons. Follow Stephanie Zacharek on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cheers & Jeers: NCIS' Very Jimmy Christmas

Brian Dietzen, Larry Miller Cheers to NCIS for giving fans a holiday gift: a Jimmy Palmer story line! Want more Cheers & Jeers? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine. The much-beloved morgue underling, endearingly played by Brian Dietzen, figured prominently in the top-rated drama's Christmas episode. In an attempt to impress his future father-in-law, Jimmy brought the Scrooge-like funeral-home owner (bone-dry standup Larry Miller) in for a Christmas Eve tour of the office. They ended up spending the night there, as Jimmy helped the team protect an endangered pregnant Marine - and finally stood up to his dismissive dad-in-law-to-be, telling him to "sit down and shut up!" Gibbs (Mark Harmon) delivered the baby - during a snowstorm, no less - and a lesson in family values to DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) in the episode's bittersweet conclusion. "Don't be like me," Papa Bear advised Tony, who'd chickened out from visiting his now-divorced ex-fianceé. But as any NCIS fan knows, nobody on the team will ever truly be without a family as long as they have one another. What did you think of NCIS' Christmas episode? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

'Winnie the Pooh': The way the Disney Classic Grew to become New Again

NEW DELHI - Hollywood star Tom Cruise states his trip to India now follows a long term need to begin to see the country.our editor recommendsTom Cruise Arranging 'We Mortals Are' for Warner Bros.Cruise 'Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol' Looking for Early Imax Release in U.K. He stated while touring the legendary, whitened-marble Taj Mahal mausoleum in Agra that he's "very excited" about being in the united states for any fan screening of his latest action-thriller, Jason Bourne: Ghost Protocol, days in front of its world premiere on Wednesday. Cruise joins Bollywood star Anil Kapoor for that red-colored-carpet screening Sunday in Mumbai. The film sees Cruise reprise his role as secret agent Ethan Search, while Kapoor plays an Indian business magnate. Cruise told Press Trust of India on Saturday, "I needed arrive at India my whole existence, and so i am very excited." PHOTO GALLERY: View Gallery Hollywood's Greatest-Generating Stars Related Subjects Tom Cruise Worldwide Asia Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Transgender Lady Sues Khloe Kardashian for Alleged Assault

Khloe Kardashian A transgender lady is suing Khloe Kardashian, proclaiming the Maintaining while using Kardashians star assaulted her couple of years ago, People reviews.In their filing, Chantal Warrior warrior spears, formerly Ronald Warrior warrior spears, states that Kardashian "strongly" attacked her outdoors a Hollywood nightclub on 12 ,. 5, 2009, after she told Kardashian's husband, Lamar Odom, he was too youthful to got married. "Without warning I buy this huge push using this girl," Warrior warrior spears told TMZ.Have a look at photos of Khloe KardashianSpears states inside the papers they needed healthcare and experienced from "severe mental anguish" following a incident. Nobody was arrested or reported then.Warrior warrior spears is seeking unspecified damages. Kardashian has yet to go over the suit.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Year from the Hunk: How George Clooney, Kaira Pitt Could Save the Academy awards

This story initially made an appearance within the 12 ,. 9 problem from the Hollywood Reporter. our editor recommendsHow to become an Academy awards Champion: Dress Like One in the Golden GlobesWhy 'Tintin' and 'Rango' Stick Out Among The 2010 Animated Honours Challengers (Opinion)Does Kaira Pitt's Beane in 'Moneyball' = Gregory Peck's Finch in 'Mockingbird'?THR Actor Roundtable: George Clooney's Worst Job, Nick Nolte's Ideas On Dying, and That Has 'Rage' IssuesMichael Fassbender on Sexual Deviance in 'A Harmful Method' and 'Shame' (Video) At 84, Oscar may no more be considered a stud, but he still dangles out witha pretty studly crew. A minimum of that may be this season if, because the bloggerati are predicting, an especially handsome selection of leading males is nominated for the best actor. Which, consequently, may help the Oscar broadcast's efforts to battle further rankings decline. VIDEOS: THR's Honours Season Stars Roundtable The competition is fluid -- nominations won't be introduced until Jan.24 -- however the consensus has George Clooney, for his unhappy father within the Descendants, and Leonardo DiCaprio, for his embittered FBI director in J. Edgar, towards the top of their email list. Kaira Pitt is really a strong contender for that casual ease that he steps in to the footwear of baseball GM Billy Beane in Moneyball. And a few relative beginners have grown to be early faves: Germany-born, London-based Michael Fassbender, who fearlessly allows everything spend time within the NC-17 Shame, and French matinee idol Jean Dujardin, who flows around the charm like a diminishing star within the quiet movie The Artist. PHOTOS: Oscar Stories on Oscar It's a selection straight from the GQ Males of the season Honours by means of People's Most sexy Guy Alive cover-- Clooney and Pitt are two-time titleholders. (There's even an outdoors chance fellow SMA Matt Damon could join them for We Purchased a Zoo.) It's not really a typical Academy roundup if perhaps since the Academy awards often underrate the job of many of the best-searching leading males. Large-screen shakes, they makes it look too easy they frequently come in action films or romantic comedies that aren't considered honours-worthy and stay away from the flashy changes the Academy favors. That's one reason DiCaprio, who had been overlooked for his clean-cut earnestness in Titanic, has become being congratulated for putting on everything aging makeup in J. Edgar. It's even more impressive that Clooney and Pitt are now being given serious attention this season because neither switches into a thick accent or funny mustache to experience his part. PHOTOS: Oscar Show Moments Now all that would certainly be something for fan sites to gush over whether it also didn't have rankings implications. The Academy may have breathed a sigh of relief when Billy Very decided to emcee the show within the wake of Eddie Murphy's departure. But Very, who hasn't located since 2004, is 63, making them the 2nd-earliest solo host since a 74-year-old Bob Hope fronted the show in 1978. Which's not will make the youthful women swoon. There's additionally a question of methods common the benefit of the films nominated for the best picture is going to be once the show is broadcast February.26. When noms were introduced last honours season, there have been two mega-grossers: Toy Story 3 ($415 million domestic) and Beginning ($293 million). But this season, with only five nominees guaranteed, it's a wide open wonder if 2011's top-grossing movie, Harry Potter and also the Deathly Hallows Part2, can make the cut. The nearest factor to some popular nominee at this time may be the all-girl The Assistance, that has collected $168 million locally. PHOTOS: Oscar Hosts Over time But when the very best-picture nominees are short on crowd-pleasers, a posse of hot stars could provide rankings insurance. Certainly, it might assist the surrounding media industry that feeds in to the Academy awards. "It's a thrilling possibility that George Clooney, Kaira Pitt and Matt Damon, the males in the Sea's movies, could be around the red-colored carpet together competing for the best actor," states Entertainment Tonight executive producer Linda Bell Blue. "Plus they all play strong males with backbone, that is what female moviegoers are searching for." GOLDEN BOYS: Dishy leading males need to wait to find the gold Cary Grant: Two nominations before his Honorary Oscar in 1970 Paul Newman: 10 noms, victory for that Colour of Money, an Honorary in 1986 Robert Redford: 1 acting nom, 1 pointing win, then an Honorary in 2002 Warren Beatty: 4 acting noms, 1 pointing win, then your Thalberg in 2000 PHOTO GALLERY: View Gallery Academy awards 2012: The First Signals Related Subjects Kaira Pitt George Clooney Leonardo DiCaprio Matt Damon Michael Fassbender Moneyball The Descendants Shame Honours Season Preview

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Michelle Trachtenberg how She Might Have Been Bella in 'Twilight'

Michelle Trachtenberg as Edwards Friend Jacob? Unthinkable to a lot of 'Twilight' fans, nevertheless the 'Gossip Girl' actress revealed Wednesday evening to Us Weekly they nearly showed up the role that visited Billy Burke. "There's certainly interest occasionally because of there being only so handful of pale women in Hollywood," she mentioned. (What, Taylor Momsen wasn't available?) But Trachtenberg mentioned she's "already done the vampire factor," mentioning to her years on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' as tag-along little sister Beginning. Within the LOLA opening in NY, Trachtenberg mentioned she'd an together with Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the initial 'Twilighr' film: "I've known Catherine Hardwicke since the movie 'Thirteen." And incidentally, "I used to be really made to star because, however was on 'Buffy' in those days.In . Trachtenberg, who now plays Georgina on 'Gossip Girl,' mentioned that 'Twilight' passed her by because, "I guess agendas never worked out." She claims have no regrets. " [Hypothetical solutions mean] you aren't dwelling in the moment and you're simply searching negatively at your work now," she mentioned when asked for to consider a situation which her existence might have been like if she'd become Edwards Friend Jacob. And 'Thirteen' switched to become rather the vampire breeding ground: The 2003 film starred Nikki Reed and Evan Rachel Wood: Reed ongoing to see vampire Rosalie inside the 'Twilight' series, while Wood grew to become part of her vamp franchise as vampire full Sophie Anne on 'True Blood stream.' On 'Buffy,' Beginning arrived at be BFFs with bad boy vamp Spike (James Marsters) and slay a few bloodsuckers alongside large sis Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar). [via Us Weekly] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook