Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pilot Season: Fox Builds up Physician/GYN Comedy to Star Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling First news broke that Rainn Wilson may be headed on your way at work, now it seems like Mindy Kaling could follow. Under each week after it leaked that NBC is developing a Dwight-centered Office spin-off, Fox has acquired a comedy pilot put together by and starring Kaling, Vulture reviews. NBC developing Work spin-off about Dwight Schrute The half-hour comedy project, which NBC is mentioned to own passed down, follows a "youthful Bridget Manley type" Physician/GYN attempting to navigate both her personal and professional lives, in line with the site. Office producer Howard Klein will executive produce with Kaling. If Fox builds up the pilot to series, Kaling will have to exit Work. Deadline reviews that Fox has furthermore acquired two other aircraft aircraft pilots. The very first is a drama from Drop Dead Diva creator Josh Berman and Make the most of Wright (Charmed) of a female doc utilized by the mob. Justified's Michael Dinner will direct. The second arises from Aliens in America's Moses Port and David Guarascio. El Jefe, also called In Control, is about a spoiled 30-year-some guy who's expected to relocate along with his cleaning woman's family after his father and step-mother kick him for the curb.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Exclusive: First Look At Sightseers

The latest from Kill List's Ben WheatleyThe latest issue of Empire, as you might expect, is jampacked with all kinds of exclusive movie goodness, fromThe Avengers to American Pie:TheReunion to The Hunger Games.But one of the things we're most excited about doesn't have a budget in the trillions, or capes, or a Hollywood background. Instead, it's homegrown, low-key and very, very British. It is, of course, the first still from Sightseers, BenWheatley's eagerly-awaited follow-up to Kill List.{Sightseers Exclusive}Moody and evocative, it gives us our first glimpse of stars/co-writers Alice Lowe and Steve Oram as Tina and Chris, a caravanning couple who get mixed up in murder and mayhem (and more murder) as they embark on their first holiday together. There will be kills, and there may even be a list of some kind, but Wheatley insists that this is lighter fare than his last two outings, Down Terrace and the film that birthed the Kill List Stare."It's not as dark as Kill List," Wheatley tells Empire, "I'd have to shoot a child in the head live on television to be darker than that, but it has the same humour and the same worldview. But it's also quite romantic, a bit more of a love story."Wheatley and love?Cute dogs and achingly gorgeous sunsets?Don't be fooled - Sightseers isn't all that it seems. Prepare for something dark, hilarious and right in Wheatley's wheelhouse.To keep up-to-date with the latest on Sightseers, visit their Facebook and official site.For more from BenWheatley onSightseers, pick up the latest issue of Empire, on sale now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Prometheus image arrives

Another production continues to have been launched from Prometheus, with Noomi Rapace searching awe-struck once again as she stares in to the middle distance at something from shot.However, the interesting thing about this new snap may be the set of figures standing behind her, left from the frame. Yep, individuals are a set of Space Jockey suits hiding within the shadows there. A minimum of, we believe they are just suits...The brand new image comes to tandem by having an interview distributed by film writer Damon Lindelof towards the LA Occasions, by which he discloses more to do with the general feel from the film."The film is certainly epic in the scope," states Lindelof. "Among the filmmakers that people wound up speaking going to a reasonable amount of redundancy was David Lean, who directed Lawrence Of Arabia.""We desired to result in the movie feel large by getting the figures be small in large spaces," continues the previous Lost author. "That attached to the bigger styles i was speaking about - that we are all just these little gnats moving around on our little planet."We are getting good looking forward to that one each day. Prometheus will open within the United kingdom on 1 June 2012.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lively intro, lifeless kudocast

Gervais The inspired choice of Ricky Gervais to host the 2010 Golden Globes soured last year, when the multifaceted star's "fearless insult comic" persona prompted him to go beyond his debut in irreverence, leaving award-show decorum in an uncomfortable shambles. Inviting him back thus introduced a whiff of anticipation into the ceremony ("Who will he bash next?") that virtually eclipsed the nominees heading into Sunday's telecast. Still, the late great Gil Cates spoke of the unpredictable "award-show gods," and with Gervais largely an absentee most of the night, they didn't smile on Sunday's lifeless telecast."Boy, he's fun," said Johnny Depp after Gervais' six-minute opening monologue, and in a broad sense, it's hard to argue. It's just in hindsight that the telecast peaked with his open, and was practically all downhill from there.With people anticipating another celebrity flaying, Gervais reserved his harshest barbs for NBC and the Hollywood Foreign Press Assn., exhibiting his iconoclastic streak by (repeatedly) biting the hands feeding him."So, where was I?" he began, before likening the HFPA to the corrupt immigrants in "Boardwalk Empire" and quipping that the Globes are to the Oscars "what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton," which actually sounds about right. In terms of naughtiness, Gervais danced up to the line with jokes about Justin Bieber and the Jodie Foster-directed "The Beaver," but otherwise -- except for a later expletive -- there was little to make the room or censors blanch.Depp's appearance right up front reinforced the "it's all in fun" mentality, given Gervais' jabs at him over "The Tourist" last year. (Of course, that also gave Gervais a chance to plug his upcoming HBO series "Life's Too Short," in which Depp makes a twisted appearance as himself.)Even if the jabs smarted -- the HFPA isn't exactly known for its sense of humor regarding questions about the group's legitimacy -- bringing Gervais back was a essentially clever misdirection in light of the minimal amount of time he actually appeared within the three-hour telecast. Ultimately, having Gervais host felt like a bait-and-switch tactic.Then again, the Globes are normally deft practitioners of shaping a telecast -- quickly racing through TV awards to splash as many movie stars on screen as possible.Beyond Gervais, the show was virtually lifeless, characterized by lots of acceptance speeches that droned on without a hint of spontaneity or magic. When Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep and Madonna all get cut off by music, you know you're in for a rough night.Nor did it help that the voters inadvertently seemed determined to select as many little-seen winners as possible.While the Globes have traditionally cultivated unpredictability, there was a deficiency of that as well. OK, Streep forgot her glasses and there was a presentation mixup with Rob Lowe and Julianne Moore; mostly, little reinforced the customary "expect wackiness" vibe.Seth Rogen bucked the trend, referencing glamorous co-presenter Kate Beckinsdale by saying he was "currently trying to conceal a massive erection," and George Clooney went below the belt in praising "Shame" star Michael Fassbender's, er, performance.After that, the pickings were awfully slim: Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy's little presenting duet. "Modern Family's" bilingual acceptance. Madonna awkwardly trying to zing Gervais.Even director Louis J. Horvitz, a veteran of the award-show wars, struggled to find reaction shots from anybody who looked like they were having fun, except during the warm tribute to Morgan Freeman.As for the arrivals program, Carson Daly proved less giddy than his co-hosts, but the only fireworks came from Elton John, who had to be bleeped for saying fellow song nominee Madonna "hasn't got a f--kin' chance." Given Gervais' slip and the FCC fine levied over Bono using the same term in 2003, the network might want to time-delay Europeans in future telecasts.By the way, Madonna -- who pretentiously said her song "magically came out of me" -- later won, making John's premature exclamation one of many misfires in a painfully long evening.Related: 'The Artist' and Weinstein Co. dominate Globes 69th Golden Globes: Complete list of winners TV newbies dominate Globes Spencer remembers women who inspired 'The Help' Big Globes footprint for TWC Contact Brian Lowry at brian.lowry@variety.com

Friday, January 13, 2012

SOPA drops hot-button provision

The chief sponsor of a major anti-piracy bill pending in the House Judiciary Committee said he plans to remove one of its most controversial provisions. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he's dropping a section of the Stop Online Piracy Act that would have required Internet providers to block domain name access to foreign sites that traffic in infringing content. Opposition -- ranging from Internet firms to public interest groups -- has been fierce. The NY Times reported on Friday that online activist group Anonymous has posted online documents with private information about Time Warner's Jeff Bewkes and Viacom's Sumner Redstone, apparently following through on threats made in a series of online videos posted on the web in November to protest the legislation by targeted major media companies. The Times reported that Bewkes has received threatening phone calls and has been flooded with e-mails. While the vast majority of opponents have not employed those tactics, their criticism of the legislation has sounded alarm over the pending bills, warning that the language of the legislation would severely interfere with the architecture of the Internet and jeopardize innovation and growth. At least for now, their message appears to be far more potent than that of studio, union and other industry backers, which hae sought to win support with the message that the bills are needed to preserve American jobs lost from rampant piracy.In a statement, Smith said he concluded that the SOPA legislation's backers should remove the domain name access provision "so that the Committee can further examine the issues surrounding this provision." "We will continue to look for ways to ensure that foreign websites cannot sell and distribute illegal content to U.S. consumers," Smith said. Smith noted that the legislation still contains provisions to "follow the money" -- cutting off the funding of foreign sites from ad networks and payment processors. A provision that allows private partiers to bring claims against foreign sites by obtaining a court order to require that ad networks and payment processors stop the money flow remains. The legislation still contains provisions that would require search engines to disable links to such "rogue" sites. The House Judiciary Committee adjourned in December before the completion of a markup hearing on the bill. It was apparent then that the legislation had enough votes to pass out of the committee, but opponents have mounted a fierce effort against the legislation since then, with some vowing to campaign against the bill's supporters in their re-election races and pressuring web-hosting service GoDaddy to shift its stance from supporter to opponent. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), one of the chief opponents of the legislation, has proposed an alternative bill that would attempt to combat piracy via the International Trade Commission. He also has scheduled a Jan. 18 hearing before the House Oversight Committee, which he chairs, to examine the impact of domain name and search blocking on cybersecurity. On Thursday, the chief sponsor of the Senate version of the bill, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), said he would propose that the domain name blocking provision of the bill be studied before implementation. Nevertheless, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) indicated that even if the provision were removed, he still would be opposed to the legislation because of other aspects of the bill. And as opponents flood congressional offices with e-mails and phone calls, there are signs that some previous supporters are reconsidering. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a co-sponsor of the legislation, said on Friday that he would not vote for final passage of the legislation "as currently written." House Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that he would call for a cloture vote on Jan. 24, but there has been pressure on him to postpone. Meanwhile, it is doubtful that even removing the domain name provision will win over Internet firms like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Markham Erickson, executive director of the NetCoalition, which includes those companies, said that "significant amendments still need to be made," as they remained opposed to provisions like search filtering and the right of private entities to take action. Michael O'Leary, senior executive VP for global policy and external affairs at the MPAA, said the org believes that the changes to the legislation "will help forge an even broader consensus for legislative action." "We continue to believe that DNS filtering is an important tool, already used in numerous countries internationally to protect consumers and the intellectual proprty of businesses with targetd filters for rogue sites," he said. "We are confident that any close examination of DNS screening will demonstrate that contrary to the claims of some critics, it will not break the Internet." Contact Ted Johnson at ted.johnson@variety.com

New picture of The Dark Dark night Rises' batsuit

We've not had any updates in the Dark Dark night Increases in a while, but prepare to obtain excited once again, as Entertainment Weekly possess a new picture of the batsuit smacked over the cover of the latest problem.The brand new suit looks much more robust compared to latter, with a lot of individual plates of armour making Christian Bale's physique look yet more imposing of computer does ordinarily.The utility belt also looks more souped up than in the past, with Lucius Fox clearly getting been working hard kitting it with a brand new batch of devices and devices. Overall, it is a strong search for the Dark Dark night.Meanwhile, Ann Hathaway continues to be talking about pressure of delivering the ultimate film that everybody is wishing for."I will tell the truth because I am completed with it," starts Nolan. "I felt immense pressure! And i believe it is a good pressure, since you owe it towards the films - and also the individuals anticipation - to create great work."So when requested concerning the recent debate over Bane's indistinct dialogue, Nolan was quick to reassure fans that will fall under place when the finished film arrives."I believe when individuals begin to see the film, things can come into focus," ongoing the director. "Bane is extremely complex and incredibly intriguing and when individuals begin to see the finished film people can be really entertained by him." The Dark Dark night Increases opens on 20 This summer 2012.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lana Parrilla: Fans Will Learn Evil Queens Backstory On Once Upon A Time

First Published: January 5, 2012 3:34 PM EST Credit: ABC LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Caption Lana Parrilla as Regina in ABCs Once Upon A Time For weeks, Lana Parrilla has played the manipulative, powerful, and angry Evil Queen on ABCs Once Upon A Time, but her character wasnt always so bad. And in the coming weeks, fans will find out how she got that way. Theres a couple of episodes coming up where youll see a more vulnerable side to her and theres one that hasnt even been scripted yet, but theres word that youll see more of her backstory how she became evil and why, Lana told AccessHollywood.com on Thursday morning. Although not yet revealed to viewers, Lana said she actually knows what happened in her characters past and she even figured it out on her own. I kind of knew it from the beginning. Its kind of interesting. I tapped into it when I was doing my own work on the Queen, and then I shared it with [creators] Adam [Horowitz] and Eddie [Kitsis] and they were like, How did you know that? And I said, What are you talking about? and they said, Thats exactly what we were thinking, we were going down that road. Im like Oh my God! Were in sync. This is awesome! Lana recounted. Its just a matter of time for that story to be told Youll definitely, by the end of the season, learn more about her backstory and see a more [softer] side, that, I think will the audience is just really going to understand why she hates Snow and why shes so heartbroken, the actress said. And Once Upon A Time watchers may begin to see chinks in the armor of Lanas other character, Storybrookes own mayor, Regina, when she battles in this Sundays episode with Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle). Regina and Mr. Gold take opposite sides. Its pretty much dirty politics, Lana said of the run for the now-open Sheriffs position. Emmas running for Sheriff now that Graham has passed on, and that becomes very threatening Mr. Gold ends up backing Emma up in this We learn that theres dirty games going on here, and theres a scene with Mr. Gold and Regina, where you can see its game time. Lana also said the death of Sheriff Graham, which occurred in the last episode of 2011, when Regina/The Evil Queen crushed his heart quite literally wont be something her character gets past quickly. Theres an emptiness Ive made the choice that theres a mourning period. I dont know how youre gonna see it, but I embody that throughout the episode, Lana said. Once Upon A Time returns to ABC on Sunday at 8 PM EST/PST. Copyright 2012 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The brand new the new sony still developing Dragon Tattoo follow-up

[brightcove]978139929001[/brightcove]With different study by Entertainment Weekly, The brand new the new sony continue being pressing ahead with progression of The Woman Who Carried out With Fire, the follow-up for the US remake in the Girl While Using Dragon Tattoo.EW have observed word in the The brand new the new sony repetition that "[Dragon Tattoo] still does strong business and zilch has changed regarding progression of the next book," after you have been formerly told through The brand new the new sony co-chairman Amy Pascal that Fire was 'definitely a go', getting an overdue-2013 release date reserved.Dragon Tattoo needs to date taken $60m in the usa, that's decent (if unexceptional) business, particularly for any movie together with your defiantly adult written content.In compliance to EW's contact, film author Steve Zaillian is concentrating on the fire place script as planned. Stars Rooney Mara and Difficulties are contractually dedicated to sequels, although director David Fincher has not signed on.In the recent interview, Fincher states, if he wound up being to register, he'd desire to shoot the sequels (Fire as well as the Girl Who Began The Hornet's Nest) consecutive.Fincher also called Zaillian's Fire script "great.InchWhilst we wouldn't be surprised if Fincher was reluctant to lock themselves in to a franchise, it might be nice to find out his undertake the relaxation from the Millennium trilogy.His Dragon Tattoo may have experienced due to the closeness in the already-very-good Swedish film, there's however more than enough room for improvement if the requires the later two books, which have been modified into perfunctory, although entertaining, thrillers.And, really, who need not see Mara don the black garb and the entire body art again?Read Total Film's The Woman While Using Dragon Tattoo review.