Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lana Parrilla: Fans Will Learn Evil Queens Backstory On Once Upon A Time

First Published: January 5, 2012 3:34 PM EST Credit: ABC LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Caption Lana Parrilla as Regina in ABCs Once Upon A Time For weeks, Lana Parrilla has played the manipulative, powerful, and angry Evil Queen on ABCs Once Upon A Time, but her character wasnt always so bad. And in the coming weeks, fans will find out how she got that way. Theres a couple of episodes coming up where youll see a more vulnerable side to her and theres one that hasnt even been scripted yet, but theres word that youll see more of her backstory how she became evil and why, Lana told on Thursday morning. Although not yet revealed to viewers, Lana said she actually knows what happened in her characters past and she even figured it out on her own. I kind of knew it from the beginning. Its kind of interesting. I tapped into it when I was doing my own work on the Queen, and then I shared it with [creators] Adam [Horowitz] and Eddie [Kitsis] and they were like, How did you know that? And I said, What are you talking about? and they said, Thats exactly what we were thinking, we were going down that road. Im like Oh my God! Were in sync. This is awesome! Lana recounted. Its just a matter of time for that story to be told Youll definitely, by the end of the season, learn more about her backstory and see a more [softer] side, that, I think will the audience is just really going to understand why she hates Snow and why shes so heartbroken, the actress said. And Once Upon A Time watchers may begin to see chinks in the armor of Lanas other character, Storybrookes own mayor, Regina, when she battles in this Sundays episode with Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle). Regina and Mr. Gold take opposite sides. Its pretty much dirty politics, Lana said of the run for the now-open Sheriffs position. Emmas running for Sheriff now that Graham has passed on, and that becomes very threatening Mr. Gold ends up backing Emma up in this We learn that theres dirty games going on here, and theres a scene with Mr. Gold and Regina, where you can see its game time. Lana also said the death of Sheriff Graham, which occurred in the last episode of 2011, when Regina/The Evil Queen crushed his heart quite literally wont be something her character gets past quickly. Theres an emptiness Ive made the choice that theres a mourning period. I dont know how youre gonna see it, but I embody that throughout the episode, Lana said. Once Upon A Time returns to ABC on Sunday at 8 PM EST/PST. Copyright 2012 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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