Friday, October 28, 2011

Lyon developing puppet series

If getting skewered by "Roastmaster General" Jeffrey Ross wasn't hurtful enough for a lot of stars, how about once the skewering ended having a puppet? This is the premise "Avenue Q" puppeteer Ron Lyon is developing with "Roasters." Lyon is joining with Thinkfactory Media round the new series through which stars and legendary figures -- either dead of alive, imaginary or real -- get roasted by puppets. No network is presently attached. "I've always looked for out projects that allow me to push the restrictions of entertainment in some manner,Inch mentioned Lyon. "The premise allows for endless fun and creativity. Everyone is fair game." Lyon will professional produce with Leslie Greif, Adam Freeman and Adam Reed.Celebrity roasts are actually popular for Comedy Central throughout the past few years, with Charlie Sheen being the latest roastee. Thinkfactory produces "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" which is coping with History round the miniseries "The Hatfields and McCoys." Contact Stuart Levine at

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