Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Smokey Robinson: I Feel Sorry, In A Way For Conrad Murray

First Published: October 11, 2011 6:14 PM EDT Credit: Getty Images LONDON, UK -- Caption Smokey Robinson performs at the Michael Forever concert to remember the late Michael Jackson at The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales, on October 8, 2011Smokey Robinson admitted he has compassion for Dr. Conrad Murray, who is on trial in the death of Michael Jackson. When Access Hollywood guest correspondent Tim Vincent, backstage at the Michael Forever the Michael Jackson tribute concert in Cardiff, Wales, over the weekend, asked Smokey for his take on the trial, currently going on in Los Angeles, the singer and friend of the late superstar called the whole ordeal a tragedy. Well, I just think its tragic. I think its a tragedy. I feel sorry, in a way, for the doctor, Smokey told Tim. He was just so happy to be around Michael Jackson, and to do whatever Michael said whenever Michael said it. Its tragic. Smokey said he continues to miss his friend, Michael, very much. Michael was my little brother. I knew him since he was 10 years old, the music legend said. Ive been watching talent and watching people perform and dance since I was probably two years old. I have tapes of old performers and people like that. The overall picture: He was the best I ever saw. As a singer, as a dancer, as a superstar? Tim asked. The overall package: singing, dancing what he did, he was the best. You know, you can look at the young kids now, and all of them have patterned their shows after Michael. So you can see what an impact her had on the music world, he said. UPDATE: Smokey Robinson issued the following statement to Access Hollywood on Tuesday: I would like to clarify statements I made regarding Dr. Murray at the Michael Jackson Forever Tribute Concert this past weekend. I knew Michael Jackson since he was 10 years old and loved him like a little brother. His untimely death was one of the most tragic events in my life. Let me be clear, I believe Dr. Murray is responsible for Michael Jacksons death through his absolute negligence. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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