Monday, December 19, 2011

Keck's Exclusives: John Cleese Visits NBC's Whitney

John Cleese Whitney Cummings is seeking mental treatment from John Cleese. The Monty Python alum, whose rare TV looks happen to be restricted to instances of Will & Sophistication and Third Rock In the Sun, will guest star inside a Feb episode of NBC's Whitney like a couples counselor. When Whitney and Alex (Chris D'Elia) begin feeling disconnected within their relationship, Roxanne (Rhea Seahorn) indicates they go to a counselor, Dr. Grant, for many advice. Cleese plays Dr. Grant, who assigns the pair some at-home exercises made to improve communication and closeness. Not remarkably, this leads to some decidedly awkward moments. Would we expect anything less from Mr. Cleese? For a glance at John on set, take a look at Chris's recent tweet: "Pretty awesome moment for me personally.Inch Sign up for TV Guide Magazine now!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

REVIEW: Brisk, Disciplined Carnage Is Good - Not Great - Polanski

In Roman Polanski’s Carnage, two couples square off in a 4-way — or is it a 48-way? — skirmish involving parenting issues, class resentment, the self-centered nature of our society, and both sexual politics and the other kind. This is a drawing-room comedy set in what just may be one of the outer circles of hell: The well-appointed (but just shabby enough) Brooklyn apartment of a persnickety couple who advertise their liberal ideals perhaps more obviously than they practice them. These two insufferable individuals are meeting with a matched set of same, the perhaps better-heeled (and equally smug) parents of a boy who struck their son with a stick, knocking out a tooth or two in the process. By the time each of these mini-nightmare characters has had a swing at each of the others — and by the time one of them has vomited on a valuable art book — the permutations of animosity and indignation have multiplied into an algebraic equation of headachey proportions. Is it entertainment? Is it satire? Is it art? It’s probably a little of all three, and yet ultimately not quite enough of any. Based on Yasmina Reza’s extremely popular play God of Carnage, the picture is a brisk, disciplined exercise: For the most part the performances are precise and cutting, and the writing has a sharpness that we don’t often see in contemporary movies (or in contemporary theater, for that matter). Maybe the only thing really wrong with Carnage is that it was directed by Roman Polanski, one of the greatest and most divisive of living directors. And while Carnage is adequate Polanski, it isn’t great Polanski. John C. Reilly and Jodie Foster play Michael and Penelope, the parents of the presumably wronged child. They’ve invited Alan and Nancy (Christoph Waltz and Kate Winslet) to their home to broker some sort of peace not just between the boys but between themselves. The passive-aggressive nature of the exercise is clear from the first scene: The two couples hover near a computer screen as Penelope attempts to lay out on exactly what happened that day and what injuries were suffered. The wording of the document becomes a mini lightning rod — was the aggressor “armed with” a stick, or was he just carrying one? — and from there, the two couples begin locking into multiple overlapping conflicts. Michael is a home-goods salesman (his business is based out of Queens), and Penelope is a sort-of writer who, she informs her guests with mock-casual modesty, is working on a book about Darfur. Waltz’s Alan is a cell-phone-brandishing attorney (some of you copy editors out there will immediately want to change that to “lawyer,” but that would be too lowly and generic a title for Alan to accept). And Winslet’s Nancy is an investment banker: You can see from her pearls and fleshtone stockings that she follows all the rules even when she doesn’t have to. Before long, the feelings of these half-repressed, half-self-satisfied individuals are flowing freely, maybe a little too freely. The scope of their conversation covers, but is not limited to, interspousal animosity over domestic responsibilities, male aggression and the women who roll their eyes at it, the careless raising of menace-to-society children, the cruel abandonment of a hamster and the revelation that if you know where to look, you can find tulips that have been flown in directly from Holland, only $20 a bunch. There are accusations and caustic scoldings; there’s much airing of dirty laundry. And beneath the nearly transparent membrane formed by these criss-crossing, funny-vicious little diatribes, you can practically see the throbbing veins of class consciousness. Reza’s dialogue is perceptive to the point of being wicked. The material doesn’t ask you to like these characters. Instead, its point of contact is the wince of recognition. Surely, neither you nor I possess any of the pettiness or self-righteousness on display here, but naturally, we know plenty of people who do. And the production design, by Dean Tavoularis, hits every note with a pitch-perfect ping. If you know anything about Manhattan-area real estate (or even if you don’t), your eyes are likely to light immediately on the pile of dried wood stacked next to the hearth — that “Working FP” sure doesn’t come cheap. (Alan and Nancy probably have more money, but no one here is exactly hurting.) The actors sink their teeth into the material, and the modest pleasures of Carnage consist mostly of watching them experience the joy of biting deep. But even that bucket of fun has its limits. Foster is scarily spot-on in the movie’s early scenes, but toward the end, she lets the tendons in her neck do all the acting for her — they don’t have all that much to say. Intentionally or otherwise, Waltz seems to be channeling Christopher Walken with his diction; it comes off as an affectation even if it’s not meant to be. Reilly channels the subterranean menace that often lies beneath the surface of affable boobs; “I am a short-tempered son-of-a-bitch!” he bellows in one scene, thrilled with the alleged bravery of his own catharsis. Winslet may be the best of all, or at least she’s the most subtle: Her Nancy is the character who’s cagiest about putting her cards on the table (though in the movie’s most memorable scene, she certainly puts something else on that table). Polanski knows what he’s doing here: With Carnage he offers us a bitter little truffle, an elegant treat to savor even if we don’t particularly like it. The craftsmanship is obvious — there’s no flashiness here, just lots of micro-control. But the picture is less artistic than it is artisinal. It’s easy enough to appreciate Carnage while you’re watching it. It just doesn’t leave you with much other than the relief of finally being able to escape these unbearable individuals, each of whom, to paraphrase Jean Renoir’s bitter-tender observation, has his or her reasons. Follow Stephanie Zacharek on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cheers & Jeers: NCIS' Very Jimmy Christmas

Brian Dietzen, Larry Miller Cheers to NCIS for giving fans a holiday gift: a Jimmy Palmer story line! Want more Cheers & Jeers? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine. The much-beloved morgue underling, endearingly played by Brian Dietzen, figured prominently in the top-rated drama's Christmas episode. In an attempt to impress his future father-in-law, Jimmy brought the Scrooge-like funeral-home owner (bone-dry standup Larry Miller) in for a Christmas Eve tour of the office. They ended up spending the night there, as Jimmy helped the team protect an endangered pregnant Marine - and finally stood up to his dismissive dad-in-law-to-be, telling him to "sit down and shut up!" Gibbs (Mark Harmon) delivered the baby - during a snowstorm, no less - and a lesson in family values to DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) in the episode's bittersweet conclusion. "Don't be like me," Papa Bear advised Tony, who'd chickened out from visiting his now-divorced ex-fianceé. But as any NCIS fan knows, nobody on the team will ever truly be without a family as long as they have one another. What did you think of NCIS' Christmas episode? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

'Winnie the Pooh': The way the Disney Classic Grew to become New Again

NEW DELHI - Hollywood star Tom Cruise states his trip to India now follows a long term need to begin to see the country.our editor recommendsTom Cruise Arranging 'We Mortals Are' for Warner Bros.Cruise 'Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol' Looking for Early Imax Release in U.K. He stated while touring the legendary, whitened-marble Taj Mahal mausoleum in Agra that he's "very excited" about being in the united states for any fan screening of his latest action-thriller, Jason Bourne: Ghost Protocol, days in front of its world premiere on Wednesday. Cruise joins Bollywood star Anil Kapoor for that red-colored-carpet screening Sunday in Mumbai. The film sees Cruise reprise his role as secret agent Ethan Search, while Kapoor plays an Indian business magnate. Cruise told Press Trust of India on Saturday, "I needed arrive at India my whole existence, and so i am very excited." PHOTO GALLERY: View Gallery Hollywood's Greatest-Generating Stars Related Subjects Tom Cruise Worldwide Asia Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Transgender Lady Sues Khloe Kardashian for Alleged Assault

Khloe Kardashian A transgender lady is suing Khloe Kardashian, proclaiming the Maintaining while using Kardashians star assaulted her couple of years ago, People reviews.In their filing, Chantal Warrior warrior spears, formerly Ronald Warrior warrior spears, states that Kardashian "strongly" attacked her outdoors a Hollywood nightclub on 12 ,. 5, 2009, after she told Kardashian's husband, Lamar Odom, he was too youthful to got married. "Without warning I buy this huge push using this girl," Warrior warrior spears told TMZ.Have a look at photos of Khloe KardashianSpears states inside the papers they needed healthcare and experienced from "severe mental anguish" following a incident. Nobody was arrested or reported then.Warrior warrior spears is seeking unspecified damages. Kardashian has yet to go over the suit.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Year from the Hunk: How George Clooney, Kaira Pitt Could Save the Academy awards

This story initially made an appearance within the 12 ,. 9 problem from the Hollywood Reporter. our editor recommendsHow to become an Academy awards Champion: Dress Like One in the Golden GlobesWhy 'Tintin' and 'Rango' Stick Out Among The 2010 Animated Honours Challengers (Opinion)Does Kaira Pitt's Beane in 'Moneyball' = Gregory Peck's Finch in 'Mockingbird'?THR Actor Roundtable: George Clooney's Worst Job, Nick Nolte's Ideas On Dying, and That Has 'Rage' IssuesMichael Fassbender on Sexual Deviance in 'A Harmful Method' and 'Shame' (Video) At 84, Oscar may no more be considered a stud, but he still dangles out witha pretty studly crew. A minimum of that may be this season if, because the bloggerati are predicting, an especially handsome selection of leading males is nominated for the best actor. Which, consequently, may help the Oscar broadcast's efforts to battle further rankings decline. VIDEOS: THR's Honours Season Stars Roundtable The competition is fluid -- nominations won't be introduced until Jan.24 -- however the consensus has George Clooney, for his unhappy father within the Descendants, and Leonardo DiCaprio, for his embittered FBI director in J. Edgar, towards the top of their email list. Kaira Pitt is really a strong contender for that casual ease that he steps in to the footwear of baseball GM Billy Beane in Moneyball. And a few relative beginners have grown to be early faves: Germany-born, London-based Michael Fassbender, who fearlessly allows everything spend time within the NC-17 Shame, and French matinee idol Jean Dujardin, who flows around the charm like a diminishing star within the quiet movie The Artist. PHOTOS: Oscar Stories on Oscar It's a selection straight from the GQ Males of the season Honours by means of People's Most sexy Guy Alive cover-- Clooney and Pitt are two-time titleholders. (There's even an outdoors chance fellow SMA Matt Damon could join them for We Purchased a Zoo.) It's not really a typical Academy roundup if perhaps since the Academy awards often underrate the job of many of the best-searching leading males. Large-screen shakes, they makes it look too easy they frequently come in action films or romantic comedies that aren't considered honours-worthy and stay away from the flashy changes the Academy favors. That's one reason DiCaprio, who had been overlooked for his clean-cut earnestness in Titanic, has become being congratulated for putting on everything aging makeup in J. Edgar. It's even more impressive that Clooney and Pitt are now being given serious attention this season because neither switches into a thick accent or funny mustache to experience his part. PHOTOS: Oscar Show Moments Now all that would certainly be something for fan sites to gush over whether it also didn't have rankings implications. The Academy may have breathed a sigh of relief when Billy Very decided to emcee the show within the wake of Eddie Murphy's departure. But Very, who hasn't located since 2004, is 63, making them the 2nd-earliest solo host since a 74-year-old Bob Hope fronted the show in 1978. Which's not will make the youthful women swoon. There's additionally a question of methods common the benefit of the films nominated for the best picture is going to be once the show is broadcast February.26. When noms were introduced last honours season, there have been two mega-grossers: Toy Story 3 ($415 million domestic) and Beginning ($293 million). But this season, with only five nominees guaranteed, it's a wide open wonder if 2011's top-grossing movie, Harry Potter and also the Deathly Hallows Part2, can make the cut. The nearest factor to some popular nominee at this time may be the all-girl The Assistance, that has collected $168 million locally. PHOTOS: Oscar Hosts Over time But when the very best-picture nominees are short on crowd-pleasers, a posse of hot stars could provide rankings insurance. Certainly, it might assist the surrounding media industry that feeds in to the Academy awards. "It's a thrilling possibility that George Clooney, Kaira Pitt and Matt Damon, the males in the Sea's movies, could be around the red-colored carpet together competing for the best actor," states Entertainment Tonight executive producer Linda Bell Blue. "Plus they all play strong males with backbone, that is what female moviegoers are searching for." GOLDEN BOYS: Dishy leading males need to wait to find the gold Cary Grant: Two nominations before his Honorary Oscar in 1970 Paul Newman: 10 noms, victory for that Colour of Money, an Honorary in 1986 Robert Redford: 1 acting nom, 1 pointing win, then an Honorary in 2002 Warren Beatty: 4 acting noms, 1 pointing win, then your Thalberg in 2000 PHOTO GALLERY: View Gallery Academy awards 2012: The First Signals Related Subjects Kaira Pitt George Clooney Leonardo DiCaprio Matt Damon Michael Fassbender Moneyball The Descendants Shame Honours Season Preview

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Michelle Trachtenberg how She Might Have Been Bella in 'Twilight'

Michelle Trachtenberg as Edwards Friend Jacob? Unthinkable to a lot of 'Twilight' fans, nevertheless the 'Gossip Girl' actress revealed Wednesday evening to Us Weekly they nearly showed up the role that visited Billy Burke. "There's certainly interest occasionally because of there being only so handful of pale women in Hollywood," she mentioned. (What, Taylor Momsen wasn't available?) But Trachtenberg mentioned she's "already done the vampire factor," mentioning to her years on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' as tag-along little sister Beginning. Within the LOLA opening in NY, Trachtenberg mentioned she'd an together with Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the initial 'Twilighr' film: "I've known Catherine Hardwicke since the movie 'Thirteen." And incidentally, "I used to be really made to star because, however was on 'Buffy' in those days.In . Trachtenberg, who now plays Georgina on 'Gossip Girl,' mentioned that 'Twilight' passed her by because, "I guess agendas never worked out." She claims have no regrets. " [Hypothetical solutions mean] you aren't dwelling in the moment and you're simply searching negatively at your work now," she mentioned when asked for to consider a situation which her existence might have been like if she'd become Edwards Friend Jacob. And 'Thirteen' switched to become rather the vampire breeding ground: The 2003 film starred Nikki Reed and Evan Rachel Wood: Reed ongoing to see vampire Rosalie inside the 'Twilight' series, while Wood grew to become part of her vamp franchise as vampire full Sophie Anne on 'True Blood stream.' On 'Buffy,' Beginning arrived at be BFFs with bad boy vamp Spike (James Marsters) and slay a few bloodsuckers alongside large sis Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar). [via Us Weekly] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brad Pitt's 'Moneyball' to Kick Off Italy's Turin Film Festival

Tim Burton's "B.Boy" balloon was unveiled to the public Thursday as part of Macy's annual Thanksgiving parade in NY City.our editor recommendsTim Burton to Create Float for Macy's ParadeTim Burton Talks Frankenweenie at the Opening of His Star-Studded Museum Retrospective in Los Angeles The Alice in Wonderland director created the stitched-together character as part of the event's "Blue Sky Gallery" series, which invites artists to enter flying wonders for the procession. PHOTOS: 10 Inappropriately Sexy Cartoon Characters The character's backstory is that he was cobbled together from rejects of birthday party balloons left over from children's parties at a hospital. B. Boy was not allowed to play with other kids so he withdrew to his basement home and into the world of his favorite film, The Red Balloon. He hoped that one day he too would be able to fly above the city and bring joy to one small child. The blue B. Boy was a hit online, with one fan tweeting "My hero Tim Burton got his own float!? I actually teared up. Über dork alert:)" and another declaring "The Tim Burton balloon was my favorite this year." Film blogger Harry Knowles noted, "TIM BURTON BALLOON!!!! And He's there with Helena [Bonham Carter] and his kid and I have a really big smile. Love Macy's Parade." The Paul Frank-created monkey Julius was also a new addition to this year's parade, which featured Spider-Man, Kermit the Frog, Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty and Snoopy balloons and appearances by Mary J. Blige, Cee Lo Green and Avril Lavigne. Neil Diamond also took part in the proceedings, belting out "Sweet Caroline" and other hits as his float cruised the streets of Manhattan. The 80th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was broadcast on NBC. Rebecca Ford contributed to this report. Related Topics Mary J. Blige Neil Diamond Tim Burton Cee Lo Green The Muppets

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Robert Forster on Dominic Cooper in 'The Devil's Double'

Published: Get married., November. 23, 2011, 12:00pm PTBy 'The Devil's Double'"I saw 'The Devil's Double' with a few buddies, and that i stored asking myself, 'Is it one guy playing both parts?' and that i told myself midway through, 'It's two.' And so the guy sitting alongside me stated, 'That's exactly the same guy!' And That I stated, 'No.' However it had been exactly the same guy. This can be a performance! Anyone who first viewed it needs to say this person Dominic Cooper was incredible because he performed individuals two, Uday Hussein and the double."Go back to the SAG Preview Contact the range newsroom at

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Approach to Paradise

An Journey Theater Ensemble presentation from the play by 50 percent operates by Juan Mayorga, converted by David Johnston. Directed by Ron Sossi. Sets, Frederica Nascimento costumes, Audrey Eisner lighting, Kathi O'Donohue appear, John Thompson videography, Marlon Duarte. Opened up up March. 1, 2011. Examined November. 18. Runs through 12 ,. 18. Running time: 110 MIN.Commandant Norbert - Weisser Gershom Gottfried - Bruce Katzman With: Hannah Cowley, Nicolas Francis, Inessa Guenther, Dylan La Rocque, Michael McGee, Joshua Moore, Nina Sallinen, David Valdes, Talyan Wright.Juan Mayorga's Holocaust-designed "Approach to Paradise" can be a bold but not successful employment of metatheatrical method to unearth a parcel of historic truth. It's one step to characterize the appalling deceptiveness at Theresienstadt concentration camping since the ultimate role-playing theatrical spectacle. The right response is another to worry the performance metaphor for the exclusion of other things. On the way, the victims' horror - genuine suffering, not figurative - is trivialized. For people with short recollections, within the mid nineteen forties the Nazis infamously created a Potemkin village at Theresienstadt to have the ability to mislead Red-colored-colored Mix personnel in regards to the Jews' treatment in captivity. Inmates were tidied and fitted up, given jobs and leisure activities, treated to obtain affordable, plentiful food and told to smile, smile, smile. (To supply the feeling of spacious barracks, excess camping population was shipped on Auschwitz.) Film footage to this day serves the poisonous reasons of Holocaust deniers. As Mayorga notifies it, the commandant (Norbert Weisser) can be a demented impresario which has created not just types, but individualized roles with full pages of dialogue to assist them. He obsesses like Max Reinhardt with proper casting and line bloodstream pressure dimensions, tapping Gottfriend (Bruce Katzman), the mayor in the inmate population, as reluctant stage manager/company. "Approach to Paradise" downplays or ignores the situation's specifics, which you'd think might be considerably fertile enough, meant for the unenlightening, self-conscious theatrical conceit. We never believe this officer is anxious about producing an ideal impression round the experts, or perhaps the effects if his superiors decide he's bungled it. He just preens and struts, chortling over this staging coup or worrying relating to this gesture's authenticity. Once the mayor is trying to tread a dreaded line between cooperation and contriving the best bargain for his people, it's all regulated controlled within the mind, for your portrayal is sheer numbness. Just before the show, audiences are requested to (basically) assume the Red-colored-colored Cross's function by studying the demonstrated prison trappings, faithfully re-created by designer Frederica Nascimento. However, if the museum labels are removed, implying we will start to see the truth behind the artifice, the expansion essentially changes to another amount of artifice. Mayorga has helmer Ron Sossi deploy the inmates as sleepwalking puppets, brainwashed to look at their lines over and over until they have the business right. Carrying out a curtain call come two minutes in the actual propaganda movies, not the best choice for an organization as abstracted as that certain. The heartbreaking images of captives playing out their designated parts, simultaneously beaming and desperate, essentially stress the irrelevance of Mayorga's windy duality-of-theater guff for the truly mournful legacy of Theresienstadt. Contact the number newsroom at

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CAA Video Game Co-Head Jumps To UTA

EXCLUSIVE: Im hearing that CAAs top video game agent has just informed the tenpercentery that hes heading for rival UTA.Ophir Lupu is one of the video game industrys top agents and co-head of the video game department at Creative Artists Agency. He’ll head UTAs Video Games practice.Lupu represents leading developers in console gaming as well as in the fast-growing social, casual and mobile gaming sectors. Lupu was named co-head of CAAs video game department in May of this year. He has spent his entire career at CAA, which he joined in 2000 after graduating from George Washington University.At CAA, Lupu represented such industry leaders as Ken Levine (BioShock), Patrice Desilets(Assassins Creed), Warren Spector (Disneys Epic Mickey), Cliff Bleszinski (Gears of War), That Game Company (Flower), Crytek (Homefront 2), KleiEntertainment (Shank), Trapdoor, Inc. (Warp) and Tomonobu Itagakis Valhalla Studios (Devils Third), among others.Lupu earlier this year orchestrated the acquisition of client Area/Code by Zynga.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bob and Jeanne Berney depart FilmDistrict

Above: Jeanne and Bob Berney with 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark' producer Guillermo del Toro (middle). Bob and Jeanne Berney are departing as the top distribution execs at FilmDistrict, which is consolidating all operations to Los Angeles.The Berneys, who joined Graham King's operation a year ago, said they want to remain in NY. FilmDistrict made the announcement Friday. The Berneys will continue handling FilmDistrict releases until March 1 including that of "The Rum Diary," which bowed softly last weekend, and Angelina Jolie's "In the Land of Blood and Honey," which bows Dec. 23.Bob Berney will continue in his post as prexy of theatrical distribution as will spouse Jeanne R. Berney in her slot as exec VP of marketing."It's been a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the good news in the independent film business over the last year," Bob Berney said in a statement. "While I believe in the strategy of FilmDistrict, I remain committed to my roots and family in NY, where there is a vibrant film community. The team Jeanne and I assembled in NY and Chicago are second to none and we all are proud of the work we've done and the great successes we've had. I wish my colleagues at FilmDistrict good luck in the years to come."FilmDistrict saw success with its first releases "Insidious" and "Soul Surfer" (via Sony) earlier this year.Bob Berney exited from short-lived specialty distribber Apparition in May 2010 on the eve of the Cannes Film Festival and moved over to FilmDistrict a few months later as King's distribution operation aimed to seize the opportunity created by the major studios' shift away from handling smaller pics in recent years. Berney is best known for overseeing the distribution of "The Passion of the Christ," "Memento" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." He later headed specialty distrib Picturehouse, which was shuttered by Warner Bros. two years ago.The NY employees have been offered the opportunity to stay in their current jobs through the end of the year. Contact Dave McNary at

Box Office Preview: Brett Ratner's Star-Packed 'Tower Heist' Hopes to Steal $30 Mil Opening

Universal's broad PG-13 action-comedy Tower Heist is poised to top the domestic box office in the debut, however the large real question is whether or not this can hit $$ 30 million.our editor recommendsTower Heist: Film ReviewA Very Harold & Kumar three dimensional Christmas: Film ReviewEddie Murphy in 'Tower Heist': Exactly what the Experts Say Eddie Murphy States John Grazer Saved 'Tower Heist' (Video)Universal Backs Off 'Tower Heist' Premium VOD Test The $85 million pic has lots of star energy inside a cast brought by Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy and Matthew Broderick. Murphy, whose live-action career has experienced recently, particularly should see better amounts than normal. Casey Affleck, Alan Alda, Tea Leoni, Michael Pena and Gabourey Sidibe also star within the film, about several non-crooks who set to take advantage of the guy who conned them from their pensions. PHOTOS: Where Would be the 'Ben Stiller Show' Alumni Now? Imagine Entertianment's John Grazer and Kim Roth created the film with Murphy, while Relativity Media assisted finance. Last year on a single weekend, Warner Bros.' comedy Deadline opened up to $32.7 million in the domestic box office, even though Universal is applying that film like a comp, the studio is lowering its weekend estimate to between $25 million and $$ 30 million due to the soft marketplace. Rivals suggest Universal needs the film to spread out to a minimum of $$ 30 million. COVER STORY: Exactly Why Is Funnyman Ben Stiller Not Laughing? Tower Heist also opens day and date in 21 nations overseas, such as the U.K., Germany, The country, Hong Kong and India. Within the U.S., monitoring -- that has sprang in recent days, because of a flurry of publicity by Stiller and Murphy -- is strong among males of any age then older women. Tower Heist should also play well with African-American and Hispanic audiences due to Murphy and Pena, based on Universal. However, Tower Heist could lose teenagers to Warner Bros. and New Line's more decently allocated A Really Harold & Kumar three dimensional Christmas. Conservative estimations show the R-ranked stoner comedy opening within the $18 million range, however it could hit $20 milion, thanks simply towards the three dimensional factor. (Harold and Kumar Avoid Guantanamo Bay opened up to $14.9 million in April 2008.) Performed by John Cho and Kal Penn, Harold and Kumar continue the quest for an ideal Christmas tree after Kumar destroys the initial. The film, also starring Niel Patrick Harris, comes complete with three dimensional gimmicks (think smoke rings). A Really Harold & Kumar three dimensional Christmas cost within the low $$ 30 million range to create. DreamWorks Animation and Vital's three dimensional toon Puss in Boots includes a good shot of besting Harold & Kumar for that No. 2 place locally, and it is predicted to gross within the low $20 million range in the second weekend. The pic opened up to $34.a million last weekend after losing business due to the freak storm around the New England. Puss in Boots has made just north of $40 million through Wednesday in the domestic box office, and nearly $20 million overseas, where it loved an archive-breaking debut in Russia last weekend. But large story worldwide will still be Steven Speilberg's The Adventures of Tintin: Strategies of the Unicorn, which first showed to some dazzling $56 million last weekend because it folded in its first key areas, smashing records in France and Belgium, home country from the beloved comic character. The new sony and Vital are partners on Tintin, and discussing foreign distribution responsibilities. Vital releases the film in The United States over Christmas. In the niche box office, Anchor Bay opens The Boy of Nobody in 10 theaters in choose U.S. metropolitan areas. The Sundance Film Festival title stars Channing Tatum, Al Pacino and Katie Holmes. The Weinstein Co. is re-delivering Kristin Scott Thomas indie hit Sarah's Type in 300 theaters over the U.S. a few days ago inside a proceed to drum up attention as honours season will get going ahead. The film has made north of $7 million locally up to now. Related Subjects Brett Ratner Eddie Murphy Ben Stiller Puss in Boots Matthew Broderick Tower Heist A Really Harold & Kumar three dimensional Christmas

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is 'Tower Heist' the Sarlacc Pit of Plot Incongruencies? (And 24 Other Urgent Questions)

A couple of days ago, a movie starring Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy that may make virtually no sense to sentient creatures continues to be released into theaters. This movie remains named 'Tower Heist.' 'Tower Heist' is about an apartment tower where a heist happens, so no less than the title is smart. But that's it. Very little else is smart. Just like a service, here's an reaction to every question you might have about 'Tower Heist.' Q: What is a better title for 'Tower Heist'? A: Possibly 'A Very Puzzling and extremely Improbable Heist.' Q: What really continues to be heisted in 'Tower Heist'? A: Twenty million dollars that Alan Alda's character might have hidden in the safe, that could be hidden in the wall within the penthouse apartment. Q: Are people his 'M*A*S*H' residuals? A: No. Alda plays Arthur Shaw, a Wall Street magnate who's billed with a few type of fraud that's never quite referred to. Shaw also has a residential tower on Manhattan's Upper West Side. (He probably didn't own the tower, it absolutely was difficult to tell. He earned a hire, however. I believed he possessed it.) Q: Who's trying to steal Arthur's money that may maintain his penthouse apartment? A: Josh, the manager in the apartment building. Josh, carried out by Ben Stiller, is fired after reacting psychologically for the discovery that Arthur has lost all of the tower employees' pensions. Josh then devises an idea to steal the money back. Q: Does Josh act alone? A: No. Josh recruits the also-fired Charlie (Casey Affleck), the also-fired Enrique (Michael Pena), the laid-off broker and very soon-to-be-started out tenant Mr. Fitzhugh (Matthew Broderick), the still-employed Odessa (Gabourey Sidibe), together with a long-term criminal named Slide (Eddie Murphy). Q: When does the crowd plan to execute the heist? A: The heist is scheduled at the time that since the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Q: Last December, monthly following a real Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, perhaps you have accidentally occur to encounter the audience of Tower Heist and also have a picture from the fake float along with your phone? A: Yes. Q: Oh, wait, this sounds kind of like 'Oceans 11'? A: 'Tower Heist" may be the just like 'Oceans 11' if Brett Ratner had also directed 'Oceans 11.' Q: Can I laugh throughout 'Tower Heist'? A: Yes. A good deal, really. Q: How's Eddie Murphy's performance in 'Tower Heist'? A: Eddie Murphy channels the Eddie Murphy who starred in 'Trading Places' and 'Beverly Slopes Cop' for his performance as Slide. Brett Ratner, who has turned into a fan of eighties Eddie Murphy, undoubtedly stood a lot associated with this performance, too. Q: Can the problem be created that "Tower Heist' might be worth seeing just for Eddie Murphy alone? A: That situation could be produced. Q: Can I like 'Tower Heist'? A: Here's what's really amazing about 'Tower Heist': It moves along so quickly and effectively that, with the finish in the movie, your brain has misled you into believing that everything you just observed was enjoyable. Q: What's our advice you'll be able to give someone who's likely to determine 'Tower Heist'? A: Let's condition that help with see 'Tower Heist' having a couple of your pals. Just before the film starts, produce a pact that never, under any conditions, will the three people a great deal as consider 'Tower Heist' again -- as well as discuss the film. The second that a person asks a suitable question regarding the plot of 'Tower Heist,' that each might have opened up up an inevitable wormhole of shit. 'Tower Heist' might be the Sarlacc Pit of plot incongruencies. Q: If you'll probably be blurbed in this weekend's ads for 'Tower Heist,' what quote you think will probably be used? A: "'Tower Heist' resembles 'Return in the Jedi'!" -- Mike Ryan, Moviefone Q: But is 'Tower Heist' no less than fun? A: Oh, sure, it's fun. May I would suggest another activities that are fun: Utilizing a swing set, eating vanilla wafers, consuming Capri Sun, self pleasuring. Q: What's the best scene in 'Tower Heist'? A: Slide, work criminal, won't accept profit the others unless of course obviously these first commit a criminal offence. Inside a mall, each individual within the audience must shoplift greater than $50 cost of merchandise. Q: Why 'Tower Heist' make no sense? A: Well, to start with, as stated, the entire plan to steal Alan Alda's money -- a very elaborate plan -- is founded on crazy presumptions. Q: Exactly what are people presumptions? A: Alda's character -- who's under house arrest inside his penthouse, that's under constant FBI surveillance -- may have one more $20 million floating around that is not taken care of for by yet. Josh just assumes that (a) the money influences penthouse, (b) the money is at a safe and secure and (c) that safe is hidden in the wall that serves few other purpose. There is no evidence whatsoever that a number of this is, however, these people all risk serious incarceration based on these presumptions. Q: OK, people do silly things when they're desperate, so possibly that is not bad ... A: That doesn't explain why, through the heist, several things just ... happen. There's an enormous twist prior to the heist starts. A twist that puts the entire heist into motion. A twist that seems really elaborate and fairly tough to accomplish, the only real reason behind this comes when Ben Stiller states, "It labored." What? How did that really work? How have you accomplish this, Ben? Just like a viewer, I really need to know. Q: What had you been written by Universal within the screening for 'Tower Heist'? A: For reasons uknown, a pack of 'Tower Heist' purchasing and selling cards. Q: May be the existence complete you now own a Casey Affleck 'Tower Heist' purchasing and selling card? A: Yes. Q: Seriously, can i spend my money to purchase a ticket to 'Tower Heist' or else? A: Honestly, as extended when you promise to not consider what's happening on-screen or make an effort to seem sensible whatsoever by using this movie ... sure. Q: A sum make 'Tower Heist' better? A: If there has been just one scene that referred to how a heist labored. Honestly, through the whole heist, I seen while using assumption that, "Yep, all of this is going to be referred to within the finish and I'm going to be impressed by the way it was attracted off." Not really a chance! It really finishes. No explanation. Q: How will you think the conversation elected for Brett Ratner when the ending was made a decision? "Hey, Brett, this movie doesn't really appear sensible. No everyone else might have a few pre-determined questions after it's over? "Fuck Them." Q: After this piece runs, are you aware the chances that Brett Ratner Tweets for you again in many caps? A: ten percent. You'll be able to contact Mike Ryan (along with your caps lock off) on Twitter. Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook [Photo: Universal] RELATED

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lyon developing puppet series

If getting skewered by "Roastmaster General" Jeffrey Ross wasn't hurtful enough for a lot of stars, how about once the skewering ended having a puppet? This is the premise "Avenue Q" puppeteer Ron Lyon is developing with "Roasters." Lyon is joining with Thinkfactory Media round the new series through which stars and legendary figures -- either dead of alive, imaginary or real -- get roasted by puppets. No network is presently attached. "I've always looked for out projects that allow me to push the restrictions of entertainment in some manner,Inch mentioned Lyon. "The premise allows for endless fun and creativity. Everyone is fair game." Lyon will professional produce with Leslie Greif, Adam Freeman and Adam Reed.Celebrity roasts are actually popular for Comedy Central throughout the past few years, with Charlie Sheen being the latest roastee. Thinkfactory produces "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" which is coping with History round the miniseries "The Hatfields and McCoys." Contact Stuart Levine at

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weather Postpones Game 6 of the World Series; May Push Back Fringe

Albert Pujols #5 of the St. Louis Cardinals Major League Baseball officials decided to postpone Game 6 of the World Series due to heavy rain in St. Louis - a move that could spell trouble for Friday night's TV lineup. Game 6 between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Texas Rangers will now air Thursday at 8:05/7:05c on Fox, with Glee repeats scheduled to fill the void Wednesday. However, should the Cardinals win Thursday and force a Game 7, the tie-breaking match-up would air Friday night, delaying the airing of Fringe and Kitchen Nightmares by a week. Baseball rain delay pushes X Factor to Thursday, Thursday's episode to air Sunday The possibility of a Game 7 could also spell serious trouble for NBC, which is launching the final season of Chuck and the new series Grimm this Friday. A similar problem occurred two weeks ago when the American League Championship Series was delayed several hours due to rain, which subsequently forced Fox to air The X Factor the following Sunday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TLC's Achieve to combine 100 Million Houses Worldwide Inside A Couple of Days

NY -- Cable network giant Discovery Communications' Discovery Systems Worldwide unit will by November. 2 exceed its year-finish target of getting TLC into 100 million houses abroad.our editor indicates TLC Orders 'High Stakes Sweepers' Special'Little People, Large World' Returns to TLC With 4 New Special deals (Exclusive)'NY Ink' Acquired by TLC for Second Season TLC launches in Finland and Portugal the next month undertaking a rollout in Africa, Denmark and Latin America. TLC is going to be available in nearly 170 areas, which causes it to be most likely probably the most broadly distributed female-specific entertainment and lifestyle funnel brand in pay TV, the business mentioned. Overseas, the network provides a combination of worldwide TLC hits, for instance Cake Boss and Sister Partners, and original worldwide series, for instance My Naked Secret, Don't Tell Bride and funds round the Menu, produced by DNI¹s in-house production and development unit. The network will achieve greater than 100 million houses worldwide and 200 million worldwide, mentioned Mark Hollinger, leader and Boss, Discovery Systems Worldwide. "TLC's brand strength and programming diversity has converted into a effective complement for the Discovery Funnel brand -- as well as the strong ratings created by both TLC programming in the united states . States and original series created by DNI's production team are actually getting in loyal audiences in multiple areas around the globe,In . he added. TLC will launch in Finland on November. 1 too as with Portugal every day later. In Latin America, Discovery Travel & Living will finish up Travel & Living Funnel (TLC) by November. 1 and be available to audiences in 38 nations in the region. Captured, TLC launched in 46 nations across Africa via distribution partner Multichoice, the finest pay TV operator in sub-Saharan Africa. TLC also launched in Denmark on March. 6 to a minimum of a million houses. TLC now ranks because the primary worldwide travel and lifestyle funnel in Asia Off-shoreline as well as the top lifestyle funnel in Belgium inside the key women 25-49 demographic. Related Subjects Worldwide Discovery Funnel Discovery Communications TLC 1 2 next last

Monday, October 17, 2011

Susan Sarandon Calls the Pope a Nazi at the Hamptons Film Festival

Susan Sarandon slammed Pope Benedict XVI at The Hamptons Film Festival over the weekend.our editor recommendsMichael Moore, Susan Sarandon Make Appearances at Wall Street ProtestsSUNDANCE: Susan Sarandon Open to 'Bull Durham' Sequel PHOTOS: The Scene at Occupy Wall Street Sarandon was interviewed by Bob Balaban at the Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor on Saturday. She said she sent the pope a copy of the anti death penalty book, Dead Man Walking, authored by Sister Helen Prejean. Sarandon starred in the 1995 big-screen adaptation. "The last one," she said, "not this Nazi one we have now." PHOTOS: The Scene at Occupy Los Angeles Balaban tried to dance around the comment, but Sarandon just made it again, Newsday reports. The audience also laughed. PHOTOS: 10 Entertainers Democrats and Republicans Love to Hate Sarandon also discussed Occupy Wall Street and her run-ins with the NY police Department over the controversial Amadou Diallo case. (Diallo, an immigrant, was shot and killed by four plainclothes police in 1999, sparking outcry of brutality and racial profiling.) Related Topics Susan Sarandon Occupy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekend Movie Preview: 'Footloose' Hopes to bop Away With Weekend Crown

Such may be the condition of Hollywood if not one, but two remakes of beloved 1980s classics open on a single weekend. The surprise is that certain of these is really apparently awesome (and it is not 'The Thing'). Can 'Footloose' cut your competition lower or will Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson fly away using the weekend crown? The solutions lie ahead inside your Weekend Movie Preview Countrywide RELEASES 'Footloose' What is the story: A Boston teen named Ren (newcomer Kenny Wormald) moves to some small Midwestern town where dancing continues to be outlawed. There, he falls deeply in love with the edgy teen daughter (Julianne Hough) from the town preacher (Dennis Quaid), and shows everybody how you can... cut loose. (Groan!) (But seriously.) Box-office projection: Your friendly Moviefone editors are totally within the tank for that latest version of 'Footloose,' and often will audiences be too? Possibly. The marketing for 'Footloose' continues to be squarely targeted in the MTV generation (or perhaps is that the Spotify generation?), making the film seem like an ideal mixture of sexy and harmful. Much more important? The Craig Maker-directed film has become fairly outstanding reviews from experts, a thing that might persuade fans from the original to exhibit up alongside their sons, kids, nieces and nephews. With little competition from new releases and 'Real Steel' showing itself like a family film, 'Footloose' may be the destination of preference for couples. Forecasts have been in the $18-to-$20 million range, however the guess here's that 'Footloose' dances away with a little more. $23.4 million [Showtimes & Tickets Mr. Moviefone's Six-Second Review] 'The Thing'] What is the story: A prequel towards the John Contractor classic, 'The Thing' concentrates on a the invention of the alien ship (along with a shape-shifting alien) in an Antarctica research site. Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Ramona Flowers 4eva!), Joel Edgerton and Eric Christian Olsen star. Box-office projection: On one side, we're not really speaking about 'The Thing' unless of course it's to slag the film to be a sacrilegious remake of Carpenter's classic. However: scares and aliens! There's a crowd with this film, one which has seen couple of horror movies since August that they'll rally around. 'The Thing' is not that film either -- return in a few days for 'Paranormal Activity 3,' that ought to explode the somewhat stagnant box office -- consider it's the title value that something similar to 'Shark Evening 3D' did not, expect respectable and unimpressive amounts. $10.a million [Showtimes & Tickets Mr. Moviefone's Six-Second Review] 'The Large Year' What is the story: Three buddies (Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson) compete within the Large Year, a yearly bird-watching event that transmits them on adventures to recognize rare types of wild birds round the country. Directed by David Frankel ('Marley & Me'), 'The Large Year' also stars Rashida Johnson, Angelica Huston, Rosamund Pike, Dianne Wiest and much more. Box-office projection: And also you thought nobody was speaking about 'The Thing'! With three major comedy stars as leads, logic dictates that 'The Large Year' should presently dominate weekend movie talk. It's not is really a potential box-office problem. The film is opening inside a little over 2,100 theaters -- the cheapest quantity of any wide release a few days ago -- and forecasts get it landing within the $6-to-$7 million range. That will rank as cheapest wide-release opening since 'Mixed Nuts' in 1994. Let us give Martin, Black and Wilson the advantage of the doubt and assume the PG rating brings inside a couple of more families than monitoring signifies. $9.two million [Showtimes & Tickets Mr. Moviefone's Six-Second Review] LIMITED RELEASES The way the mighty have fallen? Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman lead 'Trespass', that is only opening in 10 theaters. Elsewhere, Pedro Almodovar returns using the mental thriller 'The Skin I Live In' with Antonio Banderas and Mike Worthington leads 'Texas Killing Fields'. [Photo: Universal/Vital/Fox] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook RELATED

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wragg tops RUG

Wragg Barney Wragg has been appointed managing director of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Group.The move follows the previously announced division of the company, wholly owned by Lloyd Webber, with Wragg assuming responsibility for the management and development of all aspects of Lloyd Webber's copyrights including music, film, TV, music publishing, first-class licensing and production, stock and amateur, digital and merchandising.The other half of the organization will maintain ownership and operation of its seven West End theaters and will continue under the guidance of the current management team. Former senior veep of the digital division of Universal Music, Wragg later headed global digital business at EMI. Since 2007 he has run a consultancy developing digital presence with clients including the BRIT awards, Robbie Williams and Adele. He will take up the RUG post fulltime by Dec. 1.Mark Wordsworth, RUG chair, said: "The single defining element of Barney's career has been business development. In his new role Barney will oversee the expansion of 'Brand Lloyd Webber' and all of Andrew's works and creative content into new formats, revenue streams and markets. This is a significant first step in establishing Really Useful Group as a standalone company." Contact David Benedict at

New on DVD & Blu-ray, Week of October 11: 'Green Lantern,' 'The Tree of Life' and 'Horrible Bosses'

It's another banner week for home video releases, with an array of options that vary wildly in the absurd towards the sublime: There is the significant tale of 'The Tree of Life' trigger from the nonsense of 'Horrible Bosses,' as the comic realm of 'Green Lantern' is juxtaposed using the fantasy existence of 'Zookeeper' ... and there is various 'B' movies between. Continue reading. 'Green Lantern' How It Is About: Director Martin Campbell -- most widely known for hotshot focus on 'GoldenEye' and 'Casino Royale' -- takes up the roots from the Eco-friendly Lantern with mixed results. The Eco-friendly Lamps -- some 3,000 of these, each having a ring that grants or loans him a chance to create anything his mind would ever guess -- happen to be the galactic owners from the peace for eons. That peace is threatened once the worst evil pressure within the world -- Parallax, whose strength is dependant on fear -- escapes its confinement and heads for Earth on its first pause and galactic destruction. Only recently minted Eco-friendly Lantern Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), a cocky test pilot with fear issues of their own stands when it comes to total apocalypse. Is he going to save the planet and win the lady? You betcha. It's Kinda Like: 'Hancock' meets 'Spider-Man' What We Should Say: Eco-friendly Lantern was among individuals Electricity comic super heroes that edgy fans switched to once they were frustrated using the of a routine of Superman, Batman as well as their minions. The tales were more including, the villains more difficult, the forces more otherworldly. None of the means the film, however. Reynolds is much miscast -- and far too snarky -- as Jordan/Eco-friendly Lantern, another Eco-friendly Lamps are far too Disneyesque (to gold coin a thing to be too cartoonish) and Parallax looks a lot more like a thunder cloud with dreads than the usual devourer of galaxies. There's some awesome effects -- and Blake Lively is definitely nice to possess around -- but typically, 'Green Lantern' is really a dud. &bull Extra supplies: The Blu-ray disc includes a long version from the film, several featurettes, a 'Justice League #1' digital comic, additional moments, and Warner's Ultraviolet Digital Copy, which enables cloud streaming. Rotten Tomato plants Reviews Buy DVD Save DVD for your Netflix queue Watch a clip in the DVD: 'The Tree of Life' How It Is About: This ambitious story of affection, loss and family ties from Terrence Malick, among America's most highly-regarded as filmmakers, informs the storyline of the suburbs Texas family within the nineteen fifties that encounters losing among its sons, an emergency that creates each family member's deep questioning regarding their devote the plan of things. Mom, father, and remaining brother grapple with how they can absorb terrible change while still retaining their dignity and remaining thriving people. It is a tough journey that taxes each member of the family ... and audiences too. It's Kinda Like: 'A River Runs Through It' and 'How our planet Was Made' What We Should Say: Maverick filmmaker Malick has already established audiences and experts seriously divided on that one. Some think it is a masterpiece of lyrical filmmaking others think it is a motion picture journey sorely looking for an editor. We often affiliate with the second. Malick's scope of 1 family's place in the world is really overblown and ambitious he frequently will get lost in images which have little related to the household tragedy at hands. When Malick has the capacity to keep a clear head on his stars (Jessica Chastain because the mother Kaira Pitt because the father Sean Penn because the grown brother), he produces miracle in showing the tenderness and tensions together. However when he thrusts the storyline into imagery from the earth's formation, dinosaurs, and what frequently appear such as the insides of the lava light, he manages to lose his grip on good, tight storytelling. Yet this can be a film that warrants to appear. It is a pure illustration of a director whose vision remains unique and uncompromised. Pitt is really a standout because the stern but loving father. &bull Extra supplies: A behind-the-moments featurette. Rotten Tomato plants Reviews Buy DVD Save DVD for your Netflix queue 'Horrible Bosses' How It Is About: Three working stiffs -- Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day -- possess the worst bosses on the planet, however their economic situations and weak employment market prevent then from giving up. Fed up with setting up with humiliation and (sexual) harassment by the kind of Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston, the 3 talk with a hustling ex-disadvantage (Jamie Foxx) to obtain some pointers on getting rid of these ogres and develop an agenda to kill each other peoples boss. Naturally exactly what will go wrong, does, and also the trio soon end up way over their heads in deceit, misconceptions, and mistaken details. It's Kinda Like: 'Strangers on the Train' meets 'Nine to Five' What We Should Say: This mash-from 'Strangers on the Train,' 'Dirty Work,' 'Swimming With Sharks,' 'Throw Momma In the Train,' 'The Demon Wears Prada,' 'The Office,' 'Nine to Five' and 'The Hangover' begins out by promising us the fulfillment of each and every worker's craziest dream: getting despite your nasty boss. It is a dark premise, but while insinuating that revenge is going to be sweet, the film rapidly devolves right into a silly, vapid, nasty wreck havoc on bathroom humor, gratuitous sexual innuendo, and a total waste of several gifted stars. &bull Extra supplies: Erased moments, a few behind-the-moments featurettes. Rotten Tomato plants Reviews Buy DVD Save DVD for your Netflix queue Watch a clip: Other New October 11 Releases: 'Adventures in Pornoland': (2008) A Canadian couple mind to Hollywood to obtain operate in the film industry but unwillingly get involved with the porn biz. 'Arena' (2011) A guy kidnapped from his regular existence is thrust in to the savage realm of an up to date gladiatorial arena where males battle to the dying for that entertainment from the online public. Stars Samuel L. Jackson, Kellan Lutz, Nina Dobrev, Daniel Dae Kim. 'Beautiful Boy' (2010) A husband and wife near separation are equalized through the news their 18-year-old boy committed full of shooting at his college, then required their own existence. Stars Michael Sheen, Maria Bello. 'Cafe' (2010) Per week within the existence of several West Philadelphia citizens -- who congregate from our coffee house -- coping with life's challenges and looking to get things right. Stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jamie Kennedy, Daniel Eric Gold, Alex Vega. 'Judy Moody and also the Not Bummer Summer': (2011) It's summer season despite the fact that feisty, courageous Judy Moody finds herself stuck aware of her annoying brother Stink underneath the careful eye of Aunt Opal, she uses her imagination and inteligence to show a dull summer time right into a fun time. Stars Jordana Beatty, Louise Graham, Jaleel Whitened, Preston Bailey, Parris Mosteller. 'Lunopolis': 2009) Two documentarians accidentally uncover evidence of a concealed city around the moon lived on by people in the future controlling existence on the planet. 'Mr. Nice': (2010) The real story of Howard Marks (also known as Mr. Nice, a cult figure who inspired books and tunes), a middle-class Welsh boy and Oxford scholar who grew to become among Britain's greatest marijuana smugglers and hobnobbed with Hollywood hotshots, Arab riches and IRA honchos until his arrest and eventual 25-year prison sentence. Stars Rhys Ifans, David Thewlis, Chloe Sevigny, Crispin Glover. 'The Princess of Montpensier': (2010 -- France) The most recent directorial outing by French great Bertrand Tavernier sets love and intrigue from the backdrop from the savage Catholic/Protestant wars that ripped France apart within the 16th century. With different novella through the celebrated Madame p Lafayette. 'Terri': (2011) A college principal along with a shy-but-pretty teen girl take an overweight social misfit, Terri Thompson -- the lone caretaker and protector for his seniors Uncle James -- under their wings to assist him find acceptance in class ... and existence. Stars John C. Reilly, Creed Bratton, Jacob Wysocki, Olivia Crocicchia. 'Zookeeper': Kevin James may be the poor man's Dr. Dolittle within this comedy concerning the creatures inside a zoo who offer suggestions about existence and like to their zookeeper to be able to prevent him from departing his job. Stars Rosario Dawson, Leslie Bibb and also the voice talents of Cher, Nick Nolte, Adam Sandler, Sylvester Stallone, Judd Apatow, Jim Breuer, Jon Favreau, Faison Love and Maya Rudolph. Take a look at more October 11 DVD releases at OnVideo.

Smokey Robinson: I Feel Sorry, In A Way For Conrad Murray

First Published: October 11, 2011 6:14 PM EDT Credit: Getty Images LONDON, UK -- Caption Smokey Robinson performs at the Michael Forever concert to remember the late Michael Jackson at The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales, on October 8, 2011Smokey Robinson admitted he has compassion for Dr. Conrad Murray, who is on trial in the death of Michael Jackson. When Access Hollywood guest correspondent Tim Vincent, backstage at the Michael Forever the Michael Jackson tribute concert in Cardiff, Wales, over the weekend, asked Smokey for his take on the trial, currently going on in Los Angeles, the singer and friend of the late superstar called the whole ordeal a tragedy. Well, I just think its tragic. I think its a tragedy. I feel sorry, in a way, for the doctor, Smokey told Tim. He was just so happy to be around Michael Jackson, and to do whatever Michael said whenever Michael said it. Its tragic. Smokey said he continues to miss his friend, Michael, very much. Michael was my little brother. I knew him since he was 10 years old, the music legend said. Ive been watching talent and watching people perform and dance since I was probably two years old. I have tapes of old performers and people like that. The overall picture: He was the best I ever saw. As a singer, as a dancer, as a superstar? Tim asked. The overall package: singing, dancing what he did, he was the best. You know, you can look at the young kids now, and all of them have patterned their shows after Michael. So you can see what an impact her had on the music world, he said. UPDATE: Smokey Robinson issued the following statement to Access Hollywood on Tuesday: I would like to clarify statements I made regarding Dr. Murray at the Michael Jackson Forever Tribute Concert this past weekend. I knew Michael Jackson since he was 10 years old and loved him like a little brother. His untimely death was one of the most tragic events in my life. Let me be clear, I believe Dr. Murray is responsible for Michael Jacksons death through his absolute negligence. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sony Pictures Passes $1B Domestic In 2011

This weekend, Sony Pictures crossed the $1 billion mark for 2011 at the domestic box office, helped by The Smurfs, Just Go With It, Bad Teacher, The Green Hornet, and Battle: Los Angeles. The studio should clear $1.3 billion With the upcoming Anonymous, Jack And Jill , Arthur Christmas, and 11 days of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo still to go.

Box Office Report: Hugh Jackman starrer 'Real Steel' Wins Weekend with $27.3 Mil

Shawn Levy's Real Steel--starring Hugh Jackman and occur the field of robot boxing--easily capped the domestic box office chart having a $27.3 million opening. Overseas, the DreamWorks movie made $22.a million from 19 marketplaces for any worldwide debut of $49.4 million.our editor recommends'Real Steel': Hugh Jackman Assisted Evangeline Lilly Take it easy on Set (Video)'Real Steel's' Hugh Jackman Would be a Prankster on Set States Co-Star (Video)'The Ides of March': George Clooney, Ryan Gosling Play Politics in New Trailer (Video)Related Subjects•Box Office In The United States, Real Steel been successful in tempting more youthful moviegoers, who've been noticeably absent in the multiplex in recent several weeks. Thirty-6 % from the audience was younger than 18, and 51 percent younger than 25. The film become a huge hit especially to males, who composed 59 percent of individuals purchasing tickets. Additionally, it performed just like a family pic, up 27 percent from Friday to Saturday. PHOTOS: 'Real Steel' Premiere Real Steel, written by Disney, came a b CinemaScore, as well as an A+ from both males and individuals younger than 18. The very best scores should help fuel good word-of-mouth. Costing $110 million to create after Michigan tax savings, Real Steel will require strong legs along with a good showing overseas to be able to recoup its production and marketing costs. Bald eagle Eye, opening at the end of September 2008 to roughly $29 million, continued to cume $101.4 million locally. PHOTOS: 'Real Steel' Start Looking The George Clooney-directed The Ides of March placed No. 2 in the debut, grossing $10.4 million. Clooney also stars within the political drama opposite Ryan Gosling, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Evan Rachel Wood. Ides of March, costing a modest $12.5 million to create, came a b - CinemaScore. Cold Creek Pictures fully funded Ides of March, with The new sony disbursing. The film narrowly bested Clooney's Michael Clayton, which made $10.3 million in the first weekend in countrywide release. STORY: Box Office Report Card: The Greatest Flops recently Summer time Ides of March become a huge hit heavily to grown ups, with 86 percent from the audience older than 25, although The new sony noted that 40 % was younger than 35. Women composed 58 percent from the audience. Full weekend results are highlighted below. Domestic Box Office 10/7-10/9 Title/Days in Release/Studio/Theater Count/Weekend Total/Cume 1. Real Steel (1), DreamWorks/Disney/3,440, $27.3 million 2. The Ides of March (1) The new sony/Cold Creek/2,199, $10.4 million 3. Dolphin Tale (3) Warner Bros./Alcon/3,478, $9.two million, $49.a million 4. Moneyball (3), The new sony/3,018, $7.5 million, $49.3 million 5. 50/50 (2), Summit/Mandate/2,479, $5.5 million, $17.3 million 6. Courageous (2), TriStar/Sherwood/1,161, $4.six million, $15.9 million 7. The Lion King in three dimensional (4), Disney/2,267, $4.55 million, $86 million 8. Dream House (2), Morgan Creek/Universal, $4.5 million, $14.5 million 9. What's Your Number? (2), New Regency/Fox, $3.a million, $10.3 million 10. Abduction (3), Lionsgate/2,591, $2.9 million, $23.4 million Related Subjects Hugh Jackman Box Office Real Steel The Ides of March

Thursday, October 6, 2011

REVIEW: Gosling and Clooney Bring Movie-Star Chops, and Movie-Star Stubble, to The Ides of March

George Clooney’s The Ides of March is an actors’ movie, a picture that gives performers some provocative things to do without necessarily providing a great story for them to hang onto. It’s also a movie made for grown-ups, and Lord knows there are few enough of those around today. But this story of an idealistic young press secretary who finds his principles eroded at the hands of a corrupt Democratic presidential candidate keeps getting in the way of its own chin-stroking: It’s carefully designed to make us think it’s making us think, but in the end, what’s it really telling us? That politics — and politicians — can be dishonest and ugly? Please don’t stop the presses for that one. But at least The Ides of March — which was written by Clooney, Grant Heslov and Beau Willimon, adapted from Willimon’s play Farragut North — is neatly constructed, made with a respectful bow in the direction of classic Hollywood filmmaking. Clooney is sometimes a middling director (Leatherheads) and sometimes a terrific one (Good Night, and Good Luck), but at the least he’s motivated by a desire to tell stories in a straightforward way without excess clutter or showiness. He also knows that even pictures that feature a lot of guys talking (and The Ides of March is definitely one of those) don’t have to be visually dull: Cinematographer Phedon Papamichael sometimes lights and shoots the actors as if they were sitting for Hurrell portraits. At one point I found myself momentarily distracted by a small, artistically lit triangle of stubble below Ryan Gosling’s lip, but my God, what stubble! There’s a time and a place for movie-star whiskers, and this is one of them. Gosling plays Stephen Myers, a canny young go-getter whose eyes glow like greenish-brown coals as he explains what he loves about the candidate he’s working for, Clooney’s Governor Mike Morris. Morris is one of those understated but charismatic figures who can make a rousing speech in a way that makes him sound both progressive and nonthreatening — he’s slippery that way (and, it turns out, in other ways too), but his principles do seem believable and sound. Stephen and Morris’ campaign manager, Paul Zara (Philip Seymour Hoffman, playing the kind of guy who balances shrewd efficiency with the appearance that he just rolled out of bed), are trying to steer their boss through a tricky Ohio primary. Meanwhile, a rival campaign manager, Tom Duffy (Paul Giamatti), steps in to stir up trouble — with his darting eyes and lizardy smile, he’s a Beltway Beelzebub. And a NY Times reporter — played with hungry-mutt persistence by Marisa Tomei — pumps everyone relentlessly for information they don’t want, or are unable, to give. Stephen works hard, but he plays hard, too, and Lord knows there are plenty of adorable young interns around to help out with that. One of the sauciest, Molly (Evan Rachel Wood, who does a fine job balancing brittleness and vulnerability), flirts with him brazenly, and he can’t resist the bait. They end up sleeping together, and though Stephen hopes to keep things casual, he finds himself drawn in by the desperate secret she’s been keeping. As a director, Clooney orchestrates the action nimbly and with a degree of caginess — he seems to enjoy the process of letting the cat out of the bag only bit by bit. And as an actor, he’s admirably low-key here: He’s a muted presence, ceding everything to Gosling. In return, Gosling doesn’t take the proverbial money and run; he just sort of saunters out the door with it. This is a restrained, simmering performance: When Stephen starts flirting with Molly, he’s so suave he almost makes you forget he’s using every trick in the book — with his slightly downcast eyes and inquisitive smile, he’s like the idea of flirting, personified. The routine is charming as hell, until later in the movie, when Gosling lets us see that Stephen’s ability to get what he wants is hardwired into him — his aggressive ambition is the fraternal twin of his idealism, and it’s far less cuddly. Gosling’s performance is a whispered echo of everything that The Ides of March otherwise spells out. The chief idea here seems to be that even the most promising candidate can disappoint you. That might be a not-so-veiled criticism of our own beleaguered commander-in-chief, but I suspect Clooney intends it as more a rueful observation of the reality of human behavior. The Ides of March doesn’t cut as deeply or as sharply as Clooney might like, but at least he found the right actor to navigate its dark emotional twists and turns. Gosling’s Stephen, whether he’s operating out of deep-rooted integrity or ruthless self-interest, doesn’t seem to know what he’s capable of until he goes and does it. Maybe that’s how most people find their way into politics in the first place.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hark made Hong Kong an international pressure

Tsui HarkTsui Hark is not entirely at ease with kudos -- because the Hong Kong helmer is delighted to find the Asian Filmmaker of year award within the 16th Busan Film Festival, he sees honours just like a challenge to go to onto bigger and things. Busan planners the helmer recognized for "A Chinese Ghost Story," "Peking Opera Blues," "The Swordsman" and "Seven Swords" remains due to the award as they established Hong Kong film inside the global market and rewrote a history of Hong Kong films."It's an recognition, however i am still thinking for those who have something such as this you have to push yourself and proceed. You have to prove there is a energy to accomplish much like before otherwise better," states Tsui. "The job is always to keep searching forward. I have to satisfy the recognition similar to this but be alert as it is nothing beats something to prove you're safe. I'll continue making movies. I have to make certain to satisfy that standard."Previous individuals who win in the award include Iran's Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Taiwan's Hou Hsiao-hsien and Hong Kong multihyphenate Andy Lau.Tsui does publish-production on his 3d chopsocky epic "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate," which will unspool on Imax in China additionally to standard 3d digital on 12 ,. 18 -- the initial Chinese film to screen in Imax 3d.Picture, concerning the quest for any missing concubine, stars Jet Li, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Li Yuchun, Kwai Lun-mei and Mavis Fan, which is co-produced by China Film Group, SMG Pictures, Shine Show Interactive Media and Bona.Tsui developed the Hong Kong New Wave inside the eighties, and runs Film Workshop, they co-founded along with his partner Nansun Shi.Asked for what his favorite movie is, Tsui can get animated. He's a obsessed moviegoer."Movies play a key point in entertaining and inspiration of the individual. It's my job to visit a film that produces that kind of energy.I'm revived with this kind of creativity. I'm always hunting for a particular movie so when that doesn't exist available on the market, i rapidly will endeavour which makes it. It's like cooking something you'd rather eat, it is really an enjoyable process," states Tsui.One factor he's interested in is coming back with other filmmakers' work, like the films of Akira Kurosawa, which is rediscovering him lately."I've checked out him again recently and getting a couple of a few things i missed before. I really like obtaining a new perspective. I will take a look at Truffaut's work, to re-evaluate his work. The most popular films will be ones that signifies something," according to him, adding that "Shanghai Blues," Film Workshop's first production, will almost always mean a great him. "I never prone to own a company.InchCreated in China in 1951, he spent the initial handful of years of his existence in Saigon, Vietnam, and examined film within the U. of Texas in Austin.Among the key occasions within the careers is "Not such a long time ago in China," the initial in many movies featuring Jet Li.China companies are thriving nowadays, a variety of it because of a rise of talent and expertise from Hong Kong. Tsui states he's both positive and pessimistic in regards to the business."On one for reds, China keeps growing screens as well as the market is ongoing to develop, opening several options for filmmakers. Concurrently, you will discover progressively more productions which we require more people to supply professional service and creativity," according to him, adding that the whole process of accumulating the desire require time."I'm a filmmaker hunting for a particular kind of 'realism in creativity,' " according to him. "We as filmmakers will be trying to find new techniques for telling of story. We are always trying to find clues too for new elements and new passion."FEST TRAVELER: BUSAN INTL. FILM FESTIVAL Fest maps new future Regional leader Hark made Hong Kong an international pressure Q&A: Lee Yong-kwan Contact the number newsroom at

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Hollywood Is constantly on the Weigh In around the Protests

On Saturday, the Occupy Wall Street protest brought a march in NY that causedhundreds of busts when a few of the demonstrators blocked passage towards the Brooklyn Bridge.our editor recommendsOccupy Wall Street: What Hollywood Says Concerning the ProtestsOccupy Wall Street: NY Occasions Reporter Arrested Throughout ProtestMichael Moore, Susan Sarandon Make Looks at Wall Street Protests The demos, that have been happening since Sept. 17, will be to protest corporate avarice and corruption. The protests also inspired hundreds of Los Angelenos to get familiar with a march, rally and sleep-in outdoors the L.A. City Hall over the past weekend. Several in Hollywood have previously considered in around the demos, including Mark Ruffalo, Yoko Ono and Russell Simmons. STORY: Occupy Wall Street: NY Occasions Reporter Arrested Throughout Protest On Sunday, many more in Hollywood hit Twitter to chime in around the protests. Included in this was movie critic Roger Ebert, who tweeted: "Wall Street protests spread to La. Individuals are frustrated with thieves." Roseanne Barr considered along with two tweets: "Wall street protesters -dress like bankers-walk around and pay attention to the shiite they are saying-it'll amaze you-overheard in new york city restaurant." She later added: "The significant class of the country were destroyed by wall street because the middle-class was encouragd 2 jeer their way& give them a call lazy #goesaround" 2 . 5 Males co-star Melanie Lynskey retweeted a hyperlink to some column composed by Ruffalo within the Protector meant for the protests. STORY: Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon Make Looks at Wall Street Protests "Sigh. Seriously RT @celiakb: Because I didn't already love Mark Ruffalo enough." Politically passionate filmmaker Michael Moore, who came out in the NY protest,also chimed in, tweeting out a hyperlink for an AP story concerning the demos. "Now over 700 ARRESTED as 1000's descend on Wall Street!" he authored. Professional surfer Kelly Slater, that has made an appearance in a number of surfing-designed documentaries, including Riding Titans and Take On Liquid, thinks the demos are simply a part of bigger occasions in the future. "Does other people obtain the feeling that Occupy Wall Street is only the tip from the iceberg on sides?" he tweeted. STORY:Occupy Wall Street: What Hollywood Says Concerning the Protests Singer-pianist Regina Spektor required problem using the media's coverage from the event. "Occupy Wall Street continues to be quietly protesting, holding general set up, and marching for any week," she authored. "But now getting press once they arrested 700 people ... something is extremely wrong when 100s of People in america gather with no mainstream media really wants to report... Has anybody seen that old movie Network? this really is sad...." Meanwhile, former Whitened House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who now runs a communications company with clients including sports athletes and companies, chimed in: "Ds might have Occupy Wall Street. I'll go ahead and take tea party them over every day.Inch Related Subjects Melanie Lynskey Roger Ebert Roseanne Barr Michael Moore

Thursday, September 29, 2011

T.I. Released From Atlanta Halfway House

FIRST PUBLISHED: September 29, 2011 10:29 AM EDTLAST UPDATED: September 29, 2011 11:04 AM EDT ATLANTA, Ga. -- Federal officials say the rapper T.I. was released Thursday from an Atlanta halfway house after spending about 10 months in federal prison on a probation violation. Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Chris Burke said the musician was released very early in the morning. T.I., whose real name is CliffordHarris, was arrested in September 2010 in Los Angeles on drug charges. He was sentenced to 11 months in prison for violating the terms of the probation he received after he was convicted of federal firearms charges. He was released from an Arkansas prison and sent to the halfway house on Aug. 31. He was put back in federal lock-up over a dispute with prison officials, and then returned to the halfway house Sept. 15. A spokesman for T.I. said the rapper is planning to celebrate his recent birthday and host a private brunch for family and friends in Atlanta on Sunday. He also will attend the BET Hip-Hop Awards on Saturday. Copyright 2011 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Valencia's Mostra fest axed

BARCELONA -- In the most dramatic film-sector budget cut to date in deficit-crunched Spain, Valencia's regional government has pulled the plug on the Valencia Action and Adventure Film Festival, commonly known as the Valencia Mostra. Decision was announced Wednesday by Valencia's mayor, Rita Barbera. "The Mostra will be suspended for the next years, at least until the economy gets better," Barbera said. The Mostra was launched in 1980 as an artfilm fest devoted to cinema production from the Mediterranean rim. After a roller-coaster existence with multiple changes of director, the Mostra had appeared to find a new life under director Salomon Castiel. It rebranded last October as an action and adventure fest, sparking more interest and attendance among locals. In June, Valencia's debt was estimated at 20.5 billion ($27.9 billion) by the Banco de Espana. Fest's $2.3 million budget was almost entirely covered by the Valencia Town Hall. New Valencia regional topper Alberto Fabra who, like Barbera, belongs to Spain's conservative Popular Party, announced stringent cuts to Valencia's public budget in July. (John Hopewell contributed to this report.) Contact the Variety newsroom at

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Empire's Dragon Tattoo Cover

Rooney Mara & Daniel Craig arriveIt's that time again, time for a glorious new Empire cover to be unveiled.And this month we're going dark and twisted with David Fincher's The GirlWithThe Dragon Tattoo, with DanielCraig and Rooney Mara going front and centre.{Empire Dragon Tattoo Cover}The film is, as you all know, the adaptation of the first of Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, withRooney Mara as hacker Lisbeth Salander and DanielCraig as journalist Mikael Blomkvist. David Fincher's directing, and the cast also includes the not-inconsiderable likes of ChristopherPlummer, RobinWright, Stellan Skarsgard, JoelyRichardson, Julian Sands, Embeth Davidtz and Geraldine James.Our Nev Pierce interviewed all those involved and visited the set to bring you all the latest on the film, but here's just a taster of what Fincher had to say about Salander herself."There were discussions early on where people were like, 'She's a superhero!' And you go, 'No, she's not. Superheroes live in a world of good and evil, and she's far more complex than a superhero. She's been compromised. She's been subjugated. She's been marginalised. She's been swept into the gutter and she's had a part in it. She dresses like trash because she's someone who has been betraued and hurt so badly, by forces beyond her control, that she's just decided to be refuse. She can sit anywhere she wants on the bus, because nobody wants to deal with her."The GirlWith The Dragon Tattoo is out on Boxing Day here, which should help counter any excess jollity you've experienced over Christmas, while at the same time being one of the better films of the year. The November issue of Empire hits stores on Thursday.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

two and a half Males Episode Recap: "Nice to fulfill You, Walden Schmidt"

Can I start watching two and a half Males since Ashton Kutcher has already established over for Charlie Sheen? Full disclosure: I'm a terrible choice to recap the premiere of Males 2. really. Did I love watching the reveal that Sheen formerly held court? Um, no. Did I watch an instalment or two while likely to my parents in Florida for Easter time some time and never really mind it exactly? Sure. Was I a Kutcher fan from his days on That '70s Show? Not really a chance. Can I admit to watching - and moderately experiencing -- Dude, Where's My Vehicle? while home from work hungover sick? OK, fine. Nonetheless, my feelings in regards to the merger in the relative pop-culture magnetism of two and a half Males and Kutcher might be made obvious in one simple word introduced for the colonies by my Emerald Isle forebears: meh. As near to I am in a position to gather, Charlie Harper (Sheen) died in the train accident that may are actually triggered by his former stalker Rose (Melanie Lynskey), who, in their sorta-eulogy unveils they and Charlie got married. The show puts the "fun" in funeral through getting lots of Charlie's former conquests shout what they are called in the venereal "presents" that Charlie left them. Nevertheless, his dying leaves vacuum pressure inside the Harper family - a fiscal one. That is no "specialInch episode, people! So Evelyn (Holland Taylor), Charlie's mother, decides to promote the house, departing Charlie's brother Alan (Jon Cryer) and also the boy Mike (Angus T. Manley) potentially destitute. On view house, John Stamos will there be for reasons uknown, which he notifies an account from the threeway he'd with Charlie that "ongoing following a girl left." Err... Next, Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson breeze on through, apparently reprising their former roles as Dharma and Greg (in the show once helmed by Males executive producer Chuck Lorre). The problem: The lovey-dovey opposites-attract couple is becoming decidedly discontentedly married. So... that was fun, but no offers are forthcoming. Kelso can provide relief! Walden Schmidt (Kutcher), a jilted Internet billionaire, meets Alan when he tries to drown themselves inside the ocean outdoors Charlie's beach house. Alan helps him overcome his heartbreak, and incredibly rapidly the implausible nerd is implementing his inner Charlie. This transformation manifests itself in no less than three nude moments then one threeway - just just in case you're worried that Males might lose its edge without Sheen. By means of saying thanks to Alan for helping him, he announces, since the title card "being ongoing..." appears on the watch's screen, that he'll buy the house! Ooooo, I question what continues next... Well, In my opinion it's probably apparent which i won't be sticking around to uncover. The show's "coarse" humor isn't exactly my bag, nevertheless it was fun to find out how Lorre's real-world exasperation found its distance to some script that was gleefully malevolent. (I'm speaking about, in a single half-hour he earned Sheen dead, loaded him tabs on STDs making them possibly gay.) Still, I came across myself developing something resembling affection for your clearly comically gifted cast. So did I miss Charlie Sheen's presence? No. Did I love what introduced for the table? Sure. Can I watch again? Meh. Whoever else consider Ashton Kutcher's debut? Will you still watch/start watching two and a half Males? show less

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Netflixs Reed Hastings States I Messed Up DVD Unit Will Split, Re-Brand As Qwikster

Netflix Boss Reed Hastings apologized late today and introduced that Netflix will split its DVD and streaming video companies and rebrand the DVD division. In hindsight, I slid into arrogance according to past success, Hastings recognized in the blog publish.He needed to create a proceed to restore his clients and stem his stock slide. Netflix remains under fire since itinstituted a 60% cost hike due to its DVD and streaming video services. The alteration sparked a social media revolt and dropped its stock by nearly 50%. The business experienced another setback captured, when Starz introduced it can't be refreshing its deal, which will mean Disney and also the new the new sony pictures won’t be availablein 2012.Now I realize that due to the large changes we have been recently making, I will have personally given an entire justification to folks of why we are separating DVD and streaming, and charging for, Hastings added. We recognized that streaming and DVD by mail have grown to be two quite different companies, with different cost structures, different benefits that needs to be marketed in different ways, and we must let each grow and operate individually, Hastings referred to. Its hard will be able to write this after over 10 years of mailing Digital video disks with pride, but we believe that it is necessary and greatest: Inside a few days, we'll relabel our DVD by mail intend to Qwikster. The completely new unit is really a separate entity, and supply gaming rental costs. Netflix hasnamed COO Andy Rendich as Qwikster Boss.TheDVD by mail service will go to over the following day or two and also have the Qwikster logo design design on its packaging. The red-colored-colored the the envelopes, however, will remain.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

'The Hunger Games' Has Finished Principal Photography

'Breaking Dawn' isn't the main YA adaptation you'll be losing it about over the following six several days: Lionsgate gets the lengthy looked forward to 'Hunger Games' franchise kick-off scheduled for next spring, as well as the studio introduced on Thursday that director Gary Ross has finished principal photography concerning the film. Eat your chosen baked good to celebrate! No mention of the second-unit director Steven Soderbergh inside the news release, nevertheless the 84-day shoot in New You are able to stopped with little problem. Mentioned Joe Drake, Lionsgate's co-COO and Film Group Leader in the statement: "It has been an entire thrill watching 'The Hunger Games,' a project that has truly finish up a part of Lionsgate's DNA since our acquisition of it this past year, showed up at existence. A Few Things I observed on set was impressive on every level, and increased my confidence that individuals have come up with precisely the right team to produce Suzanne Collins' brilliant novel for the silver screen.Inch 'The Hunger Games' -- with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Jesse Sutherland, Woodsy Harrelson, Lenny Kravitz and Stanley Tucci -- involves theaters on March 23, 2012. [via Not Remote] Photo: Murray Close

Monday, September 12, 2011

'X Factor': Rihanna to Guest Judge (Report)

The latest X Factor rumor is that chart-topper Rihanna will guest judge on the show's inaugural U.S. season. According to TMZ, the singer enjoyed her U.K. X Factor finale performance so much, that she -- and series creator/star Simon Cowell -- wants seconds. It helps that Rihanna is also signed to Island Def Jam, the Universal Music Group label that X Factor judge L.A. Reid ran from 2004 until March of this year.our editor recommends'The X Factor': 5 Things We Learned From Sunday's 8-Minute Promo (Video)'X Factor's' Simon Cowell Slams Simon Fuller, Admits Anger at 'Idol,' Reveals He and Cheryl Cole No Longer Speaking Rihanna's reps won't confirm a booking, but in speaking with The Hollywood Reporter for an August cover story, Cowell emphasized that Reid is "expected to bring in stars." Looking at the executive's stable of past successes, IDJ artists Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber would likely be on the short list, as would Reid's Arista signings Usher, Pink and Avril Lavigne. Reid is currently chairman and CEO of Sony-owned Epic Label Group, which counts Shakira and Sara Bareilles among its artists. Says Cowell: "L.A. is the most powerful music executive in the world right now. He brings star power with him." Indeed, it was reported last month that Carey was scheduled to shoot her guest segments but was grounded in New York due to Hurricane Irene. Says an X Factor source, "It was disappointing, but they'll work something out." Fox has not commented on any guest judge rumors insisting that viewers will find out soon enough. The show premieres on September 21. Related Topics Justin Bieber Mariah Carey Rihanna Simon Cowell Antonio L.A. Reid The X Factor

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Fox Searchlight Accumulates Shame NC-17 Next?

As presumed, word from the very first day from the Toronto Worldwide Film Festival has Shame getting a distribution deal. But less than as presumed, Steve McQueen’s acclaimed drama reaches Fox Searchlight — which will likely face an NC-17 rating for that movie’s frank sexuality and graphic nudity. Being an offshoot of the MPAA studio signatory, Searchlight doesn't have a choice of delivering Shame with no rating. And director McQueen — your final-cut guy having a background in video art — has managed to get obvious he won’t trim a frame of his story in regards to a deeply troubled sex addict (Michael Fassbender) and the sister (Carey Mulligan) in New You are able to City. Therefore the writing appears to become about the wall for Searchlight — however the honours potential is written bigger, mostly by experts like our very own Stephanie Zacharek, who examined Shame last weekend from Venice. “The bare story of Shame, whenever you lay it, doesn’t appear like much,” she authored. “But the stars bring everything into it their suffering is both magnetic or painful to look at, nearly as whether it were an alternative — or perhaps an aberration — of fundamental sexual attraction. Mulligan, together with her bleached-blond crop of hair, resembles among the awesome-customer chanteuses from the 󈧶s, like Helen Merrill however with a cherub’s face. She’s terrific here, and restrained in ways that indicates an actorly generosity unusual for somebody so youthful: Her moments with Fassbender don’t a lot say ‘Look at me’ as ‘Look at him.’” Expect more a few days ago from Toronto and then month as Shame makes its method to the brand new You are able to Film Festival. You’ll be listening to that one for some time. Full Fox Searchlight release below… ================== TORONTO, Ontario, Canada September 9, 2011 - Fox Searchlight Pictures Presidents Nancy Utley and Stephen Gilula introduced today that the organization has acquired U. S. privileges towards the intimate and provocative drama SHAME. The film is directed by Steve McQueen, compiled by McQueen and Abi Morgan and stars Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan. SHAME is really a See-Saw Films production for Film4 and U.K. Film Council and created by Iain Canning and Emile Sherman. Tessa Ross, Robert Walak, Peter Hampden and Tim Haslam are executive producers with Bergen Swanson as co-producer. HanWay Films is handling worldwide sales. The film is scheduled to become launched this year. “Steve McQueen’s courageous search for modern existence’s extremes is breathtaking. He's crafted an remarkable film that probes a few of the greatest and pitch-dark issues ever described on the watch's screen with amazingly gifted performances by Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan,” stated Gilula and Utley. “Fox Searchlight approached us soon after the screening in Telluride to inform us just how much they loved the film. Their method of marketing and disbursing the film this season was incredibly detailed and impressive. We're excited to become dealing with them on the film that's causing debate along with a strong emotional reaction from audiences,” stated Canning and Sherman. “This is really a brave statement as well as an important move by Fox Searchlight; I am happy they came aboard release a Shame within the U.S. It’s great to become using a team that's so enthusiastic about cinema,” stated McQueen. Brandon (Michael Fassbender) is really a New Yorker who shuns closeness with females but feeds his desires having a compulsive dependence on sex. When his wayward more youthful sister (Carey Mulligan) moves into his apartment stirring reminiscences of the shared painful past, Brandon’s insular existence spirals unmanageable. The offer was brokered by Fox Searchlight’s Executive V . P . of Worldwide Purchases Tony Safford, Senior V . P . of economic Matters Megan O’Brien, V . P . of Purchases Ray Strache with Thorsten Schumacher and Claire Taylor of HanWay Films with respect to the filmmakers. Fox Searchlight Pictures is really a niche film company that both finances and acquires movies. It features its own marketing and distribution procedures, and it is films are distributed worldwide by Last Century Fox. Fox Searchlight Pictures is really a unit of Fox Shot Entertainment, one of Fox Entertainment Group. ###

Twitter Discloses Quantity of Active Customers The very first time

Twitter has revealed it presently has 100 million active customers. That's roughly 1 / 2 of the greater than 200 million total accounts the social media company introduced have been produced last April.our editor suggests#winning! The Television Twitter War in Primetime MTV VMAs: Lady Gaga's Performance: Twitter Responses The statistic came throughout a press event Thursday at the organization's Bay Area headquarters and it is the very first time Twitter has stated the number of individuals are positively while using site. Other interesting Twitter stats shared in the event: - 40% of active accounts haven't tweeted within the last month, which makes them "lurkers" in online parlance. - 230 million Tweets are sent every day. That's up 110% right from the start of the season. - Twitter will get 400 unique site visitors monthly. - 50 million customers sign in to Twitter every single day. - Over 55 percent of active customers access Twitter on the mobile device. - Twitter is on the right track to include 26 million customers within the next four several weeks. That's as numerous customers because it put in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2008, combined. - 50 % of National football league sports athletes and 75 % of National basketball association gamers use Twitter - 82 % of U.S. House of Reps uses Twitter - 85 % of U.S. Senate uses Twitter - 87 percent of Billboard's Best Players Music artists use Twitter - 93 percent of Food Network's chefs use Twitter - Twitter can be used in 12 languages presently and will also be adding Hindi, Filipino, Malay and Simplified and Traditional Chinese within the coming days. Related Subjects Twitter

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Watch Future Miracle Mike Stripper Channing Tatum Accidently Find His Senior High School Sweetheart within this Ten Year Clip

What exactly is it with home town family reunions and senior high school sweethearts now? Already, we’ve seen Hilary Duff attempt to hijack Mark Polish before he is able to rekindle the flames together with his teen crush (Winona Ryder) in Stay Awesome. We’ve seen artwork for Diablo Cody’s Youthful Adult, featuring a teenager lit novelist (Charlize Theron) who attempts to reclaim her happily-married senior high school honey (Patrick Wilson). And today, we obtain a clip of Channing Tatum homing in on his passion interest of yester-decade (Rosario Dawson) inside a snippet in the star-packed Ten Year. The comedy-drama Ten Year features several buddies (Tatum, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Mackie and Chris Pratt) because they reconvene within their home town 10 years after their senior high school graduation. The directorial debut of Jamie Linden (We're Marshall and Dear John scribe) also features performances from Aubrey Plaza, Lisa Kudrow, Anna Faris, Justin Lengthy, John Krasinski and Taylor Momsen and marks Tatum’s first feature producer credit. I'm selecting to assume that Ten Year Channing Tatum and Miracle Mike Channing Tatum are identical character, and therefore Tatum, the veteran stripper, required a weekend removed from lap dancing with Alex Pettyfer to use a smart brown blazer and reclaim his cautiously-outfitted home town crush. That Miracle Mike narrative will improve any Channing Tatum title, for me, including Dear John (stripper-switched-soldier falls for uptight university student) and Step-up 2: The Roads (stripper takes an up-and-coming street dancer under his wing). Check it out! Ten Year will hit theaters December 30. [via IndieWire]

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NBC News Andrea Mitchell Has Cancer; Prognosis Terrific

FIRST PUBLISHED: September 7, 2011 6:56 PM EDT NEW YORK, N.Y. -- NBC News Andrea Mitchell says she has breast cancer but says it hasnt spread and calls her prognosis terrific. Mitchell made the announcement Wednesday during her MSNBC show, Andrea Mitchell Reports. She says the cancer was discovered during an annual screening just a short time ago. Counting herself among the one in eight women in the U.S. who have breast cancer, she said hers was caught in the early stage and noted she was already back at work. Mitchell reminded women that screening for breast cancer is important. She said shes looking at this experience as another of lifes lessons. Besides hosting her show, she is NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent. Copyright 2011 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

'A Gifted Man' Books Former 'ER' Star Eriq La Salle (Exclusive)

Jason Merritt/Getty Images for LA PhilharmonicEriq La Salle Eriq La Salle is playing physician again. ER's Dr. Peter Benton has reserved a multiepisode arc on CBS' approaching Patrick Wilson medical drama A Gifted Guy, The Hollywood Reporter has learned solely. La Salle will recur as Evan Morrison, a neuropsychiatrist -- your physician who goodies individuals with emotional and behavior disturbances. Morrison is referred to like a great medical detective who concentrates on the nuances of human behavior. He'll come in four or five instances of the series. The role reunites La Salle with Gifted Guy executive producer Neal Baer, who also was an Air on ER. "I'm thrilled to become working again with Eriq La Salle," Baer told THR. "I've very fond reminiscences in our time together on ER and anticipate getting Eriq portray another memorable character on the Gifted Guy." Gifted Guy involves Wilson's Michael, an aggressive surgeon whose world is switched upside lower when his ex-wife (Jennifer Ehle) starts teaching him this is of existence in the hereafter. La Salle, who helmed a chapter of ER, may also direct a minumum of one episode from the drama, which executive producers Baer and Sarah Timberman stated is going to be equally about medicine and science with a little spirituality. La Salle, who's presently pointing a chapter from the CW's Sarah Michelle Gellar action drama Ringer, is repped by APA, Principato-Youthful Entertainment and Fred Toczek. A Gifted Guy premieres Friday, Sept. 23 on CBS. Email: Twitter: @Snoodit RELATED: Fall TV Preview: The Entire Broadcast Premiere Calendar A Gifted Guy Fall TV Preview