Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Great Wife Start Looking: Meet Will's Siblings!

Josh Charles Will Gardner (Josh Charles) continues to be getting a tough handful of several weeks around the Good Wife. First, he got left through the passion for his existence, Alicia. Then, he was indicted with a grand jury for judicial bribery. And shortly, he'll face possibly losing his law license. Fortunately, assistance is around the means by the type of moral - by the looks of things, musical - support from his siblings, performed by Nurse Jackie's Merritt Wever and Nadia Dajani (The Large C). Watch full instances of The Great Wife Within the March fourth episode, entitled "Following the Fall," Wever steps in to the role of Will's more youthful, irresponsible and fun-loving sister, Audra and Dajani will have his bossy, Type-A older sister Sara. Who understood that Chicago's 16th most qualified bachelor could play guitar? Maybe he's practicing an appreciation song to sing to Alicia? (We kid, we kid. This is actually the Good Wife, not Glee, in the end). The only real alarming factor about these pictures? The re-emergence of casual Will. Is his insufficient business attire designed to signify the disbarment proceedings don't go very well? Or perhaps is he just finally finding out how to have a break? The title "Following the Fall" does not provide us with much comfort. The Great Wife airs Sundays at 9/8c on CBS. Are you currently excited to satisfy Will's siblings?

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