Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Watercooler: Glee's Valentine... Heart It or Hate It?

Damian McGinty, Vanessa Lengies, Kevin McHale Things we hearted about Glee's Valentine's Day episode...-Brittany and Santana earning their serenade, despite Principal Figgins' gaycism.-Mercedes' "I Will Always Love You."-Sam's single tear during Mercedes' "I Will Always Love You."-Karofsky being a viable contender as Kurt's secret admirer.-Very little Schue.-The long-awaited arrival of The Glee Project's co-winner Samuel Larsen as the hippie holy roller.-The longer-awaited departure of The Glee Project's underused co-winner Damian McGinty.-The fact that Breadstix gets bigger and bigger every time the gang performs there.-The Whitney Houston dedication card in the closing credits. Things we hated about Glee's Valentine's Day episode...-The return of smug Blaine.-The faith-bashing "God Squad."-The idea that Mercedes would balk at singing for "teen lesbians" Brittana. Her best friend is Kurt!-The wasting of Brian Stokes Mitchell and Jeff Goldblum as Rachel's stereotypical, old-school queen fathers. Like anyone makes Liza references anymore.-A spiritual, robed choir showing up at a public school.-The McKinley students eating lunch outside. It's February. In Ohio!-Sugar. She's like fetch... just not gonna happen. So what about you? Did you fall for Glee's Cupid-palooza? Or was it a bad date? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine today!

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