Saturday, June 25, 2011

The most ridiculous violation notices by Yahoo! in the classical section?

I have received two consecutive highly unfair and unjust violation

Question: aayi nikat nikat ye samasya vikat koi iska ticket kataa de
meri maa mujhe bachaa le...?
Deleted Answer: Why don't you ask in the correct category, and let us
move on? Best, M
Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format

Question: Could someone give me the notes to In My Arms by Plumb?
please I would like to learn it on piano?
Deleted Answer: Are you sure you're in the correct category for this
type of music? Best, M
Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format

There. Simple enough. I had told both askers politely to please ask in
the correct category. I did not deserve twenty points taken off my
total. I think this is getting way too out of hand. Some of the
answers Yahoo! claims to be "Misuse of the question and answer format"
are real answers. Like one answerer from my network notified me about
this (I had answered this, but I deleted my own answer because I was
afraid the same cr@p was going to happen to me):

Question: suggest a tattoo for my guitar !!!!?
Deleted Answer: Classical musicians do not strive to destroy their
Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format

Wow, the questions are getting really silly, while the actions of the
Yahoo! staff are getting ridiculously careless. Believe me, I kind of
think they are bots. I think any human with a good sense would have
not deleted any of those answers.

People on Y!A will continue to ask disruptive questions here. Why
doesn't the staff delete THOSE questions, leave our ******* answers
alone, and deduct ten points from their total - for trolling? Do you
think they really know how to mistreat a sincere answerer genuinely
notifying one of the disruptive questions? It really isn't the points
that matter - it's the principle of providing a valid answer but
having it unjustly removed - mainly because it wasn't what the asker
or another party really wanted to read.

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