Wednesday, June 15, 2011

movie title? beakers of liquid bring poster women to life..?

I'm looking for a movie title, if anyone can help me remember. All I
can remember is there were 2 kids (over 10, under 20-it's been a
while) and they had these science lab beakers..1 had I think a pink
liquid and the other a blue, they accidentally spilled the two
together on top of a poster of a bulldog and the dog came to life.
they had the bright idea to mix the liquids on posters of women, and
the women came to life. the women needed to be kissed in order not to
melt and to stay in this world and the boys wouldn't kiss them. that's
all i remember, and yeah I know how it sounds, lol. This movie was
probably released in the 80's or early 90's. WEIRD SCIENCE is not
correct, that was only 1 woman and she was computer generated, this
movie had several women coming to life. I can't remember actor's
names/director/etc, Thanks for your help!!

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